Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus in 1580, Toruń Old Town City Hall. Source: Wikipedia.

Nicholas Copernicus and the Copernican Revolution

Bill Dennison ·
14 January 2014
Science Communication |     2 comments

'Scientists Who Made a Difference' series … Nicholas Copernicus was an interesting renaissance man who overcame the existing paradigm placing earth in the center of the solar system to the new paradigm of a heliocentric view that earth and the planets revolved around the sun. This perspective led to the Copernican revolution which occurred after Copernicus died in 1543 and published his book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres).

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Scholarship Reconsidered by Ernest Boyer

Scientists who made a difference: Celebrating effective science application

Bill Dennison ·
7 January 2014
Science Communication |     1 comments

Scientists whose work has affected society are noteworthy for their abilities to a) produce good scientific results, b) effectively communicate these results to broad audiences and c) affect decisions and perspectives of society. These noteworthy scientists will be celebrated in this blog series on 'Scientists who made a difference'. Of the four pillars of scholarship defined by Boyer in 1990 (Scholarship Reconsidered:

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Ocean Literacy booklet cover.

Environmental Literacy: Determining the essential elements necessary for understanding a topic or a place

Bill Dennison ·
2 January 2014
Environmental Literacy | 

Environmental literacy refers to the most basic information necessary for the broadest understanding of a topic that non-experts need to possess to be conversant about the topic. Just as literacy or numeracy refers to the basic ability necessary to read or perform mathematical tasks, environmental literacy provides the basic ability to make informed environmental decisions.

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The Keeling Curve: Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations as measured at Mauna Loa Observatory. Source: Wikipedia.

Visual science communication: Using data visualization, conceptual diagrams and photographs to convey science information

Bill Dennison ·
31 December 2013
Science Communication | 

Science communication using visual elements can convey unambiguous information that words cannot. Words are often used by lawyers and journalists to argue cases or make points - science is an attempt to base arguments on all the facts available, not just the 'convenient' facts used to support an argument. Words can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but data is less ambiguous.

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Map of the Gulf Stream by Benjamin Franklin, 1770.

Ten classic scientific maps

Bill Dennison ·
27 December 2013
Science Communication | 

A well conceived and creatively constructed map can elucidate scientific concepts and effectively communicate important concepts. There are many examples of beautiful maps focusing on various geographic features, but this collection of classic scientific maps is notable for the scientific meaning that they convey. They are presented in chronological order. 1) Gulf Stream:

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Looking across to Cincinnati from the Roebling Bridge.

Roebling Bridge in Cincinnati--the predecessor to the Brooklyn Bridge

Bill Dennison ·
19 December 2013
Science Communication | 

We had beautiful views of the Roebling Bridge from our workshop developing a Mississippi River report card in Covington, Kentucky. After the workshop was over, Bill Nuttle and I walked across the Roebling Bridge from Kentucky to Ohio. The Roebling bridge was built during the Civil War and completed in 1866. At this time, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world, although now there are 121 longer suspension bridges in the world.

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Enjoying the river views.

Developing a Mississippi River report card: Ohio River workshop in Cincinnati

Bill Dennison ·
17 December 2013
Science Communication | 

A large IAN contingent gathered along the banks of the Ohio River for the second in a series of workshops designed to develop a report card for the Mississippi River. Heath Kelsey, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Wicks, Brianne Walsh and I collaborated with our colleagues at America's Watershed Initiative to run a workshop in a Covington, Kentucky hotel with fantastic views of the Ohio River, with the Cincinnati skyline as a backdrop.

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House of Sweden on the Potomac River, Washington D.C.

The Economics of the Ocean: Discussing the Baltic Sea and Chesapeake Bay at the House of Sweden

Bill Dennison ·
12 December 2013
Science Communication | 

The Swedish embassy organized a two day conference, "The Economics of the Ocean", which occurred at the House of Sweden, located at the confluence of Rock Creek and the Potomac River. The House of Sweden conference room was all windows, with superb views of the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge, the Francis Scott Key bridge, Roosevelt Island, Kennedy Center, and the Watergate Hotel.

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Master plan to protect and restore Louisiana's coast. Credit: Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

Design Competition Stimulates Communication on Multiple Channels

Bill Nuttle ·
10 December 2013
Science Communication | 

The Changing Course competition will stimulate discussion about the future course of the Mississippi River near its mouth. Large areas of wetlands have converted to open water in the delta of the Mississippi over the past 30 years. A changing climate and accelerating sea level rise are expected to make the problem of land loss worse and increase impacts on coastal communities.

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