Floods in Ipswich swamped more than 3,000 homes and businesses. Image courtesy of AP: Dave Hunt.

Queensland floods; 2011

Bill Dennison ·
7 February 2011
Queensland Floods | 

We arrived in Brisbane on January 9, 2011 and were surprised at the green and lush vegetation. It was raining and our friends informed us that it had been raining for weeks, and that the dam was at 120% capacity, compared with the 13% capacity on one of our previous visits.

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Bob Hirsch speaking at the IAN Seminar Series

Discussion following Bob Hirsch seminar on Are we making progress? Interpreting the nutrient flux records for the major rivers flowing to the Chesapeake Bay

Bill Dennison ·
5 February 2011
Learning Science | 

This blog post discusses the seminar given by Bob Hirsch of the US Geological Survey (USGS), at the IAN Seminar Series on November 23, 2010. Bob Hirsch speaking at the IAN Seminar Series … The analytical method used by Bob Hirsch was clarified. Bob explained that he used nutrient concentrations that were estimated daily every day over a 31 year period, and these concentrations were converted to fluxes by multiplying nutrient concentrations by discharge (water flow) rates.

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Bill at the International Water Centre

Sabbatical in Queensland

Bill Dennison ·
1 February 2011
Learning Science | 

The word 'sabbatical' stems from the concept of the number seven, and it has been co-opted by academia to refer to a break that faculty take from their regular duties at roughly seven year intervals. In Australia, the term used is 'study leave', which is more descriptive and distinguishes it from long service leave or vacation. Sabbaticals are viewed as a way for faculty to rejuvenate careers, learn new techniques and approaches, and/or complete large projects (e.g., books).

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Science videos on the UMCES Channel engage students across the country.

Investing in math and science education: "Our generation's Sputnik moment"

Joanna Woerner ·
26 January 2011
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication |     1 comments

Last month, President Obama coined the phrase Sputnik moment in regard to the race for new innovations in science and technology. Last night, he raised this issue again in his State of the Union address. The President asserted that in order to support innovation, advance alternate energies, compete in the new global economy, and create jobs, the country needs investments in research and education equivalent to those undertaken during the height of the Space Race.

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Participant drawing a conceptual diagram for 'Conceptionary'

Conceptionary in action: Learning through play

Bill Dennison ·
13 January 2011
Science Communication | 

One of our favorite teaching modules is about conceptual diagrams, and the activity associated with this module is called Conceptionary. It is a game in which teams of 4-10 people are formed and one team member is designated as the 'science illustrator'. The 'science illustrator' is given a card with an environmental concept explained and several key words are identified.

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Storyboard created by Dr Charlotte Young (click for larger version)

Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 8 - Communicating Science Effectively poster

Bill Dennison ·
3 January 2011
Science Communication | 

PART 8; Communicating Science Effectively poster … In real time, as the plenary talk was being delivered, Dr. Charlotte Young from Envision Synergy quietly recorded the seminar as a story board on a large colorful poster in the back of the room. Following the seminar, I was able to view her graphical interpretation of the talk.

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Canadian flag

Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 7 - O Canada!

Bill Dennison ·
31 December 2010
Science Communication | 

PART 7; O Canada! So my conclusions are that conservation deals with complex problems. I think of it as simple problems are like following a recipe. Complicated problems are like building a rocket to the moon. It's complicated, but you can do it over and over again if you do the equations and follow them. Complex problems are like raising a child. You don't always have complete control. It's not easy, and no two are alike.

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Several basic steps are involved in producing report cards.

Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 6 - Five step program for environmental report cards

Bill Dennison ·
30 December 2010
Environmental Report Cards | 

PART 6; Five step program for environmental report cards … Several basic steps are involved in producing report cards. Let me go through five steps of generating Report Cards that we've generated. And they are relatively simple and straightforward. First is to draw it, to create the conceptual framework. Second, is to choose the indicators. Third is to define the thresholds. Fourth is to calculate a scorecard. And fifth and most importantly, communicate it.

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Chester River Report Card

Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 5 - Report card examples

Bill Dennison ·
28 December 2010
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

PART 5; Report card examples … Another aspect that I think has a lot of similarities to Ontario right now with your thirty-six conservational authorities doing these Report Cards, is that first in some areas where you don't have a lot of resources, that citizens and scientists become a really powerful tool. And we've developed a coalition around these citizen and scientist groups. An example is the Chester River, and citizen science group call themselves the Chester Testers.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card

Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 4 - Environmental Report Cards

Bill Dennison ·
27 December 2010
Environmental Report Cards | 

PART 4; Environmental Report Cards … Let me talk about one science communication tool that we've been developing, that we think is really powerful, and this is the Environmental Report Card. They're really powerful for three big reasons. One is they are a really good peer pressure motivator, because peer pressure motivates human change. The story I'll give here is the Chesapeake Bay Report Card.

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