Trib Team Members and local politicians 'wade-in'.

Choptank Trib Team Wades Into San Domingo Creek

Allison Dungan ·
8 August 2010
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | Applying Science | 

On Saturday June 12th the Choptank Tributary Team held their annual wade-in in conjunction with the Environmental Concern native plant sale. Team members were able to see their feet at a depth of 25 inches, a one inch improvement from last year. In the picture below are Delegate Jeannie Haddaway Riccio, State Senate Candidate Chris Jakubiak with his children, Choptank River Keeper Tim Junkin, and Trib Team members Bill Wolinski and Jennifer Dindinger.

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Map of global downloads of the IAN symbol libraries.

Communicating Science to Effect Social Change

Bill Dennison ·
19 July 2010
Science Communication | 

This title refers to our attempt to use science communication to make a difference in the world. We really do aim to make a global impact with our science communication applications. An indicator of how science communication is applied globally is that the free IAN symbol libraries have been utilized extensively. Over fifty-five thousand people from around the world have now downloaded this from two hundred and thirty-seven countries, virtually, the entire planet.

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The same data can show a very different picture depending on which rating is 'on top'.

How maps can lie: Chesapeake watershed stream health

Bill Dennison ·
14 July 2010
Environmental Report Cards | 

In order to create a map of stream health in the Chesapeake watershed, Katie Foreman, Scott Phillips, Claire Buchanan and colleagues in the Non Tidal Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Program generated a data set of benthic macroinvertebrate condition using data collected by state agencies in the Chesapeake watershed. The original map created by Katie and her team in 2009 had approximately 3,200 data points, distributed throughout the watershed.

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Mesa Laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, designed by I.M. Pei.

Council for Environmental Deans & Directors summer conference; Boulder, Colorado

Bill Dennison ·
12 July 2010
Environmental Literacy | 

The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), based in Washington, D.C., supports a group of university administrators called the Council for Environmental Deans & Directors (CEDD). This group has two annual meetings; a winter meeting in Washington, D.C. and a summer conference in different locations around the country. The 2010 summer conference was hosted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado.

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The IAN 'tribe' at the annual retreat.

The Integration and Application Network 'tribe'

Bill Dennison ·
9 July 2010
Learning Science | 

We recently held our annual Integration and Application Network retreat, titled "Creating synergies and leveraging impacts". It was conducted at the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, on the Wye River, a tributary of Chesapeake Bay. Attending this retreat were the Science Integrators and Science Communicators from a) the 'bathhouse' on the Horn Point Laboratory campus, b) the EcoCheck team based at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory and c) the Annapolis Synthesis Center.

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Ben and his wife Elana after his successful defense.

Ben Fertig's dissertation defense; 6 July 2010

Bill Dennison ·
7 July 2010
Learning Science | 

Ben Fertig, graduate student, became Dr. Ben Fertig following his successful dissertation defense at Horn Point Laboratory on 6 July 2010. His thesis is titled "Stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) as an indicator of nitrogen source". Ben gave a powerpoint thesis summary (5 years compressed into 45 minute talk) to a large gathering of Horn Point faculty and students.

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Coastal Stewards unveiling the report card.

Coastal Bays report card release

Bill Dennison ·
2 July 2010
Environmental Report Cards | 

The Maryland Coastal Bays Program report card was released at an interesting venue in Ocean City in late afternoon, June 30. Macky's Barside & Grill on 54th Street in Ocean City provided a bayside venue for the release with perfect weather. Jet skis and motorboats were buzzing in and out of the canal, a roosting colony of laughing gulls in the marsh and the babble of dinner guests eating in the sandy beach provided a lively backdrop to the proceedings.

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Howard Townsend speaking at the IAN Seminar Series.

Discussion following Howard Townsend's seminar on Communicating complex scientific results for ecosystem-based management using cgi (computer generated image) animation

Bill Dennison ·
1 July 2010
Learning Science | 

This blog post discusses the seminar given by Howard Townsend, of the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, at the IAN Seminar Series on June 24, 2010. Following Howard's seminar, two short videos were aired. The first one depicted some of Howard's hidden talents on the dance floor, and the second one was a 6 minute Computer Generated Image (CGI) film entitled "Life in the Chesapeake Bay", produced by NOAA in conjunction with Lenfest Ocean Program and the University of British Columbia.

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