Sudbury, Assabet, Concord Rivers Report Card Workshop and Staff Training

2017-09-15 — 2019-03-15

OARS, a watershed organization working on the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers in Massachusetts, has been interested in preparing a report card summarizing the health of the three rivers for some time. The Sudbury-Assabet-Concord (SuAsCo) is a small watershed in eastern Massachusetts, with both developed and natural areas. UMCES will facilitate an initial project workshop to work through elements of the 5-step report card process.

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Tuul River Basin Report Card Development

2017-07-03 — 2019-03-29

UMCES and WWF have partnered to facilitate the development of Report Cards in many iconic and threatened river basins across the world. UMCES, WWF, and the Tuul River Basin Authority are collaborating on the development of a river basin report card in the heart of Mongolia. UMCES is participating in a series of workshops as trainers, assisting WWF-Mongolia in the development of the report card, including troubleshooting and providing guidance as the Report Card progresses.

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Development of the WRTDS-K Method

2017-07-01 —

Accurate quantification of riverine water-quality concentration and flux is challenging because monitoring programs typically collect concentration data at lower frequencies than discharge data. Statistical methods are often used to estimate concentration and flux on days without observations. One recently developed approach is the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS), which has been shown to provide among the most accurate estimates compared to other common methods.

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Ecosystem Based Management: An Analysis of National Needs and Opportunities by the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region (CINAR)

2017-07-01 — 2019-06-30

Ecosystem based management (EBM) is a holistic and adaptive approach to developing effective policies for ensuring ecosystem sustainability, food and water security, and improved human health outcomes for future generations. Informed by science, it incorporates the entire ecosystem, including humans, into resource management decisions. Importantly, EBM explicitly considers tradeoffs in resource uses while protecting and sustaining diverse and productive ecosystems and the services they provide.

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Tennessee River Basin Report Card

2017-03-01 — 2018-03-01

The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (AppLCC) has partnered with both the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences Integration and Application Network and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences Appalachian Laboratory (to create a comprehensive report card for the Tennessee River Basin region.

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Wetlands Work logo

Wetlands Work Website

2017-01-01 —

Wetlands Work connects agricultural landowners with programs that fund wetland restoration and planners who can guide them through the restoration process. It was developed and is maintained in coordination with the Chesapeake Bay Program's Wetland Workgroup.

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Belmont Forum workshop facilitation, support, and communication

2016-11-01 — 2018-03-01

IAN has teamed up with Belmont Forum members to design and faciltate meetings as well as produce communication tools. We are developing surveys, create meeting materials and agendas, generating templates and videos, and distributing summary documents to achieve programmatic goals and focus efforts to further the success of the Belmont Forum.

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Evaluation of Multi-Year Data Sets to Establish Status and Trends of Environmental Restoration Success in the Everglades

2016-09-30 — 2019-09-30

The purpose of this project is to evaluate recent scientific findings that demonstrate progress towards restoration goals for the Everglades, identify research gaps related to the function of the Everglades ecosystem, and to make recommendations for management decisions based on those findings. This system status assessment will be used to convey these findings for the system as a whole and regions of the Everglades to public resource managers and stakeholders.

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State of Yucatan Report Card

2016-08-01 — 2019-06-01

The Yucatan coast of NE Mexico that borders the Gulf of Mexico supports a high biodiversity of plants and animals, as well as important fisheries and tourism activities. However, the region's rapid growth in terms of coastal development is putting immense pressure on these natural resources.

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