IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Drought in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands: Fact Sheets (Page 1)

Drought in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands: Fact Sheets

Brianne Walsh, Nathan Miller, Kate Petersen ·
1 August 2019

In August 2018, the National Climate Adaptation Science Center, with support from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration and Application Network, U.S. Forest Service, and the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center, held a two-day workshop to synthesize the impacts of drought on various sectors in the USAPI to address this need. Twenty-seven participants from government agencies and universities in the USAPI participated in the meeting.

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Drought in the U.S. Caribbean: Fact Sheets (Page 1)

Drought in the U.S. Caribbean: Fact Sheets

Brianne Walsh, Nathan Miller, Kate Petersen ·
1 August 2019

In 2015, the National Climate Adaptation Science Center began working with each regional Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) to implement a network-wide initiative aimed at identifying what we know about the impacts of drought on ecosystems across the country. A key component of this initiative was the implementation of eight regional ecological drought workshops.

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Ecological Drought Across the United States (Page 1)

Ecological Drought Across the United States

Profound, widespread, and becoming more severe

Carter S, Donahue K, Myers B, Rubenstein M, Dennison WC, Lentz R, Blackband J, Malpeli K, Costanzo S, and Walsh B ·
1 August 2019

Across the United States, ecological drought is ubiquitous, profound, and has become more severe. This newsletter summarizes the findings of a three-year synthesis on the current status of drought research across the United States. The ecological drought synthesis project involved workshops at each of the eight regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers.

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Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card 2019 (Page 1)

Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card 2019

Jamie Currie, Heath Kelsey, Emily Nastase ·
29 May 2019

IAN staff and HRI scientists collaborated in a series of workshops in 2016 and 2018 to produce the 2019 Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card. This report card uses 13 biotic and 2 abiotic indicators to determine the overall condition of the Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The coastline scored a B- (80%) overall, indicating moderately good ecosystem health. The report card breaks its indicators into five different categories: water quality, fisheries, birds, oysters and seagrasses.

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Drought in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands (Page 1)

Drought in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands

Brianne Walsh, Simon Costanzo ·
28 May 2019

The Department of the Interior Climate Science Centers (CSCs) and their managing organization, the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center at the U.S. Geological Survey, have chosen the emerging climate science field of Ecological Drought as a research focus area. This newsletter highlights the outcomes of a two-day workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii as part of a series of meetings at each of the nation’s eight CSCs.

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2018 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card (Page 1)

2018 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card

Alexandra Fries, Caroline Donovan, Dylan Taillie, Heath Kelsey, Sky Swanson, Bill Dennison ·
21 May 2019

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of Chesapeake Bay. In 2018, the report card includes five water quality indicators and two biotic indicators. In 2018, the overall grade for Chesapeake Bay is a 46%, a C. This means the Bay is in moderate health. Despite the decrease in score from 2017, overall bay health is still significantly improving over time. Long term trends of each reporting region health and a fisheries index are also presented.

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Developing a Report Card for the Verde River Watershed (Page 1)

Verde River Watershed Report Card 2nd Newsletter

Apr. 4–5, 2019 Second stakeholder workshop summary

Andrew Elmore, Emily Nastase, Alexandra Fries, Heath Kelsey ·
17 May 2019

This newsletter summarizes outputs from the second stakeholder workshop to develop the Verde River Watershed Report Card. The objectives of the workshop were to: i) develop indicators, ii) discuss scoring approaches, and iii) establish narrative appropriate for the report card. Indicators for the report card center around three main themes: Water, Habitat, and Communities—all necessary components to determine the health of the Verde watershed.

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Estimation bias in water-quality constituent concentrations and fluxes: A synthesis for Chesapeake Bay rivers and streams (Page 1)

Estimation bias in water-quality constituent concentrations and fluxes: A synthesis for Chesapeake Bay rivers and streams

Zhang Q, Blomquist JD, Moyer DL, Chanat JG ·

Flux quantification for riverine water-quality constituents has been an active area of research. Statistical approaches are often employed to make estimation for days without observations. One such approach is the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) method. While WRTDS has been used in many investigations, there is a general lack of effort to identify factors that influence its estimation bias.

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2012-2017 Everglades Report Card (Page 1)

2012-2017 Everglades Report Card

Alexandra Fries, Emily Nastase, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Heath Kelsey ·
23 April 2019

This is the first Everglades report card. It is a RECOVER product that provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of health of the Florida Everglades using data from May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2017. The Everglades Report Card, a complement to the 2019 System Status Report, assesses and synthesizes ecological data to evaluate overall ecosystem condition using performance-driven metrics compared against a goal or ecologically-relevant threshold.

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