IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Evaluation of statistical methods for quantifying fractal scaling in water-quality time series with irregular sampling (Page 1)

Evaluation of statistical methods for quantifying fractal scaling in water quality time series with irregular sampling

Zhang Q, Harman CJ, Kirchner JW ·

River water-quality time series often exhibit fractal scaling, which here refers to autocorrelation that decays as a power law over some range of scales. Fractal scaling presents challenges to the identification of deterministic trends because (1) fractal scaling has the potential to lead to false inference about the statistical significance of trends and (2) the abundance of irregularly spaced data in water-quality monitoring networks complicates efforts to quantify fractal scaling.

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Tennessee River Basin Report Card Methods Document (Page 1)

Tennessee River Basin Report Card Methods Document

Heath Kelsey, Dylan Taillie, Emily Nastase, Bill Dennison, Andrew Elmore ·
9 February 2018

The Tennessee River Basin Report Card was developed as a tool for prioritization and restoration decisions made in the Tennessee River Basin. The report card document is also meant to serve as an outreach tool for use by managers to highlight particular issues of importance when communicating conservation and restoration with the public. This methods document discusses how the report card was developed and how the grades were calculated.

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Data Interpretation and Synthesis Methods Manual (Page 1)

Data Interpretation and Synthesis Methods Manual

Caroline Donovan, Dylan Taillie, Alexandra Fries, Brianne Walsh, Emily Nastase ·
1 February 2018

Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative's Data Interpretation and Synthesis Methods Manual is a step by step comprehensive guide to interpreting and communicating data for beginner and experienced monitoring groups alike. This manual was produced to be used in tandem with a hands on workshop that guides attendees through the process of interpreting their data.

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IAN Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

IAN Report Card 2016

Jamie Testa, Bill Dennison, Alexandra Fries ·
1 February 2018

IAN staff reflected back on accomplishments from 2016 in its 2nd annual report card. The self-assessment is based on indicators in three categories: social impacts, ecological outcomes, and partner engagement. IAN received an overall grade of A- (90%) which is up from 2015's grade of B+ (88%).

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2016 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (Page 1)

2016 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card

Alexandra Fries, Heath Kelsey, Bill Dennison ·
12 December 2017

The aim of this report card is to provide a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of 2016 Coastal Bays health. Coastal Bays health is defined as the progress of four water quality indicators (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , dissolved oxygen) and two biotic indicators (seagrass, hard clams) toward scientifically derived ecological thresholds or goals.

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Tuul River Basin Report Card Stakeholder Workshop Summary (Page 1)

Tuul River Basin Report Card Stakeholder Workshop Summary

Simon Costanzo, Dylan Taillie ·
12 December 2017

Participants from various government, private and non-governmental organizations converged on Ulaanbaatar for the three day report card workshop in mid-October 2017. Participants were identified by the Tuul River Basin Authority and WWF-Mongolia to represent key stakeholder groups that have interests in the Tuul River Basin, and help shape the report card development. The workshop had a huge turn out and indicators to assess the health of the basin were identified.

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Greater Everglades region ecosystem health workshop (Page 1)

Greater Everglades region ecosystem health workshop

Alexandra Fries, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Emily Nastase, Heath Kelsey ·
7 December 2017

This newsletter describes the results from the second of the regional workshops to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report. The Greater Everglades team worked with the Integration and Application Network to begin identifying key indicators and narratives of the Greater Everglades region for these two documents. This two-day workshop, held in Davie, Florida, was the second of three regional workshops to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report.

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Lake Okeechobee ecosystem health workshop (Page 1)

Lake Okeechobee ecosystem health workshop

Alexandra Fries, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Emily Nastase, Heath Kelsey ·
7 December 2017

This newsletter describes the results from the third of the regional workshops to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report. The Lake Okeechobee team worked with the Integration and Application Network to begin identifying key indicators and narratives of Lake Okeechobee for these two documents. This two-day workshop, held in West Palm Beach, Florida, was the third and last regional workshop to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report.

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Northern Estuaries ecosystem health workshop (Page 1)

Northern Estuaries ecosystem health workshop

Alexandra Fries, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Emily Nastase, Heath Kelsey ·
7 December 2017

This newsletter describes the results from the third of the regional workshops to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report. The Northern Estuaries team worked with the Integration and Application Network to begin identifying key indicators and narratives of the Northern Estuaries for these two documents. This two-day workshop, held in West Palm Beach, Florida, was the third and last regional workshop to develop the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report.

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