Blog posts categorized by Applying Science

Climbing Down the Ivory Tower

Annie Carew, Lili Badri ·
26 February 2025
Applying Science | 

The second annual Scientists Serving Communities workshop brought together UMD researchers with expertise in climate adaptation and resilience and connected them with regional stakeholders and community members who will use the information to strengthen their communities. This approach to science actively deconstructs the “ivory tower syndrome” that is often present in academia and encapsulates IAN's work on scientific application and community engagement.

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All about the Bay: Exploring history, heritage, and habitat at the Chesapeake Studies conference

Suzanne Webster ·
13 June 2019
Science Communication | Applying Science | 

Earlier this month, several IAN team members attended the first annual Chesapeake Studies conference. This multidisciplinary conference was hosted at Salisbury University from June 5th to 7th, and was focused on the scholarly study of the Chesapeake region. It was an excellent opportunity for us to meet other Chesapeake Bay researchers, and to showcase some of IAN’s approaches for learning more about the Bay, engaging Bay stakeholders, and communicating Bay science.

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UMCES Researchers Win Coveted Cozzarelli Prize for SAV Research in Chesapeake Bay

Katie May Laumann ·
6 June 2019
Science Communication | Applying Science | 

The Cozzarelli Prize, a prestigious award recognizing excellence in scientific research, was awarded to UMCES very own Bill Dennison, Rebecca Murphy, and Jeremy Testa, lead author Jon Lefcheck (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center), and their co-authors (listed below) for their study of human impacts on underwater grasses in the Chesapeake Bay. The prize recognizes 6 papers, selected by the editorial board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , each year.

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Spanning boundaries at the Society for Applied Anthropology conference

Suzanne Webster ·
1 April 2019
Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

Earlier this month, Bill, Katie May, Vanessa, and I travelled to Portland, Oregon to attend the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) conference from March 19-23. We were all excited for the opportunity to learn from researchers and practitioners who work in the social sciences, and to absorb new ideas and approaches that will help us enhance IAN’s capacity to do work that spans natural and social science disciplines.

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When Bad Things Happen to Good Rays

Kate Petersen ·
8 February 2019
Science Communication | Applying Science | Case studies | 

This blog post is the first of a two-post series examining cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) history and ecology in the Chesapeake Bay. In 2007, an article appeared in the reputable scientific journal Science asserting that declines in large shark populations along the eastern coast of the United States had led to an “explosion” of rays and skates due to lack of predation.

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