Blog posts categorized by Science Communication
The Tennessee River Report Card was released in February 2018

Next steps for the Tennessee River Basin Report Card

Heath Kelsey ·
30 August 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

The Tennessee River Basin Report Card was released in February this year. It was made possible in large part because of feedback the IAN team solicited during the Tennessee River Basin Planning Network (TRBN) meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee in August, 2017. Discussions we had at that meeting decided several issues related to the report card scope and detail that carried through to the finished product.

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Positive outcomes are documented through a comprehensive survey of groups that have completed a report card process.

Focusing on outcomes: What are we really shooting for?

Heath Kelsey ·
26 July 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

The Healthy Rivers for All Partnership spent some quality time last week brainstorming about how our report card projects are perceived. We take it for granted that the report card process increases engagement and leads to great outcomes. We talk about how great report cards are all the time, and we believe it! Positive outcomes are documented through a comprehensive survey of groups that have completed a report card process.

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Participants at the August 2016 Report Card Workshop.

Coastal Yucatán Report Card Completed!

Heath Kelsey ·
19 July 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication |     1 comments

The first Yucatán Coast Report Card was released in April 2018, the culmination of almost 2 years of work by our colleagues at Laboratorio Nacional de Resiliencia Costera (LANRESC), in Sisal, Yucatán Mexico. The project kicked off with a stakeholder workshop that Jane Hawkey and I helped facilitate in August 2016. The long-term collaboration has made this report card release especially exciting.

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Map of mainland Puerto Rico marked with field trip sites and travel routes. The first day (green) took us from Bayamón (A) to Guánica Dry Forest (B) to a small-scale coffee plantation (C). Day two included El Yunque Rainforest (D), the agriculture areas near Humacao (E), y la Placita de Santurce (F). Map by USGS.

Field Trips in Puerto Rico…. with a mission

Jason Howard ·
17 July 2018
Science Communication |     1 comments

The Integration and Application Network has been involved in a series of workshops in partnership with U.S. Geological Survey to identify and communicate drought impacts across regions of the United States. The latest of this series took place in San Juan, Puerto Rico on May 30-31, focusing on vulnerabilities and draught-related issues specific to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

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From Left to right Peter Goodwin, Bob

2017 Chesapeake Bay report card release

Bill Dennison ·
12 July 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication |     1 comments

We held a press conference for the release of the 2017 Chesapeake Bay report card on 15 June 2018 on the Potomac River. We used the Hyatt Hotel as the press conference venue in a new development on the Wharf area of Washington, D.C. It was a great venue in that it showcased the social and economic opportunities that a clean waterway can afford. There were new water taxis plying the river, floating wetlands alongside a nice pier, and lots of restaurants and pubs along the waterfront.

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Local solutions: collaborations and information sharing to grow passion and facilitate community change

Dylan Taillie ·
10 July 2018
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

Towards the end of April and into the beginning of May, I took a trip up the East Coast to attend the 2018 Local Solutions: Eastern Climate Preparedness Conference in the city of Manchester, New Hampshire. The conference was one I had heard about somewhat serendipitously through the Bay Brief (a weekly newsletter produced by the Chesapeake Bay Program) and my mother around the same time.

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AESS outgoing president Dr. David Hassenzahl welcomes attendees to the conference.

How can we include and legitimize other voices in science?

Suzanne Webster ·
5 July 2018
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | 

Last month I attended the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences conference at American University in Washington, D.C. from June 20-23. This organization serves scholars who research and teach sustainability and other environmental issues through interdisciplinary lenses, and seeks to advance the "scholarship of science in service to society and the environment." The selected theme of "Inclusion and Legitimacy" was centralized in the conference discourse and culture.

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Drought workshop participants discussing ecosystem impacts of droughts. Image credit James Currie.

Discussing island drought in Puerto Rico Part II

Bill Dennison ·
14 June 2018
Science Communication | 

I briefly summarized the workshop by highlighting the components of scale that were discussed in relation to island drought: spatial scale, temporal scale and complexity scale. In terms of spatial scale, we had discussions of global influences on island drought: El Niño/Southern Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation and Sahara dust storms.

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The Brisbane skyline, as seen from our hotel balcony. Image credit: James Currie

Exploring "Down Under"

Jamie Currie ·
7 June 2018
Science Communication | Learning Science | Australian cities and waterways | 

The Brisbane skyline, as seen from our hotel balcony. Image credit: James Currie … I recently had the opportunity to travel with Dr. Bill Dennison to Brisbane, Australia. We planned to conduct a variety of interviews with scientists, stakeholders, and policymakers on the Healthy Waterways Project. It was to be my first time ‘down under,’ and I was excited to glimpse the southern hemisphere. When we arrived, the first thing that struck me was the heat.

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Dr. James Sallis delivers the opening keynote session on the interdisciplinary field of Active Living Research.

How to improve interdisciplinary collaborations: lessons learned from scientists studying team science

Suzanne Webster ·
31 May 2018
Science Communication | Applying Science |     2 comments

I recently had the opportunity to attend the International Science of Team Science Conference in Galveston, Texas, from May 21-23. This conference was unique in that it convened researchers and practitioners from all professions and academic backgrounds who share the goals of "understanding and enhancing the processes and outcomes of collaborative, team-based research." As an interdisciplinary scholar who is interested in collaborative learning and science engagement…

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