River Journeys 3 was launched at the 17th Annual International Riversymposium, building on the previously published River Journeys (2008) and River Journeys II (2010) books.

Four interesting books from the 2014 International Riversymposium: River Journeys 3, Chasing Water, Blue Mind, and Finnley's Great Escape

Bill Dennison ·
11 November 2014
Science Communication | 

One of the interesting things that came out of attending the 17th Annual International Riversymposium was the opportunity to learn about several new relevant books. Last year at the 16th Annual International Riversymposium , I launched the IAN Press eBook 'Dancing with Dugongs: Having fun and developing a practical philosophy for environmental teaching and research' that I co-authored with the late Peter Oliver.

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OBFS-NAML 2014 Joint Meeting - Windows to the World: Networking FSMLs to Address Environmental Change

Communicating science with marine laboratory and field station directors at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA

Bill Dennison ·
30 October 2014
Science Communication |     1 comments

I was asked by Mike DeLuca from Rutgers University to present a plenary talk at the annual gathering of the National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML), which was held jointly with the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. The meeting was titled 'Windows to the World: Networking field stations and marine labs to address environmental change'. OBFS-NAML 2014 Joint Meeting - Windows to the World:

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Outside the courtroom, there were many photos, maps, and posters about Mamaroneck’s history.

Long Island Sound Report Card

Alexandra Fries ·
28 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

On October 9th, Bill Dennison, Caroline Donovan, and I traveled to New Rochelle, New York, for a meeting on the Long Island Sound Report Card. The Long Island Sound Study includes two working groups, the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). These committees had a joint meeting on October 10th that we participated in, to further the progress of the Long Island Sound Report Card.

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2014 America’s Watershed Initiative Summit, Louisville, KY

Mississippi report card video

Bill Dennison ·
21 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards | 

As part of the release of the draft Mississippi River report card, we partnered with America's Watershed Initiative and Conversant to produce a short video that described both the process of producing the report card and the report card scores. This video did a great job of linking the riverboat paddle wheel with the report card graphic based on the paddle wheel.

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A vision for America's Watershed Report Card

Mississippi River report card song

Bill Dennison ·
14 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards | 

We recently (1-2 October 2014) launched the draft Mississippi River report card in Louisville, KY as part of the America's Watershed Initiative Summit. The process of developing the report card is depicted in the following poem I wrote for the occasion. We started out in St. Louis, Missouri … We set the goal--a watershed report card … We figured, it can't be too hard … But we were tackling the entire Mississippi!

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Trevor Taylor from the City of Eugene introduces us to the Delta Ponds.

Did you know the Willamette River flows north?

Tracey Saxby ·
9 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards |     1 comments

One of the things I love most about my job is that I’m constantly learning about different places, working with local experts that share their knowledge and passion for the place they live, and the science they do. Right now I’m learning about the Willamette River in Oregon, as the IAN team is working in partnership with Meyer Memorial Trust to develop an Ecosystem Health Report Card for the main stem of the Willamette.

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View of Ohio River from Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY

Draft Mississippi River report card released at 2014 America's Watershed Initiative Summit

Bill Dennison ·
7 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards |     1 comments

Heath Kelsey, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Brianne Walsh and I traveled to Louisville, KY on the banks of the Ohio River to participate in the 2014 America's Watershed Initiative Summit. This Summit represented the culmination of a series of basin workshops and a concerted effort by IAN Science Integrators, Science Communicators, and Science Communication Interns to determine indicators, access indicator data and calculate scores.

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