Publications about Chesapeake Bay

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

A Generalized Additive Model approach to evaluating water quality: Chesapeake Bay case study (Page 1)

A Generalized Additive Model approach to evaluating water quality: Chesapeake Bay case study

Murphy RR, Perry E, Harcum J, and Keisman J ·

Nutrient reduction efforts have been undertaken in recent decades to mitigate the impacts of eutrophication in coastal and estuarine systems worldwide. To track progress in response to one of these efforts we use Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to evaluate a diverse suite of water quality constituents over a 32-year period in the Chesapeake Bay, an estuary on the east coast of the United States.

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Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers - Guide to the Introductory Monitoring Program (Tier 1) (Page 1)

Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers

Guide to the Introductory Monitoring Program (Tier 1)

Suzanne Webster, Bill Dennison ·
31 March 2019

This guide includes detailed instructions for volunteers who are using the Water Reporter platform to collect and submit data for the Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers Introductory Monitoring Program.

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Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers - Pocket Field Guide (Online viewing version) (Page 1)

Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers - Pocket Field Guide (Online viewing version)

Katie May Laumann, Suzanne Webster, Dylan Taillie, Sky Swanson ·
31 March 2019

A pocket-sized SAV species identification guide that also includes a field packing list, protocol reminders, and reference photos of other macrophytes. For use in the field by volunteers participating in the Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers Introductory and Advanced Monitoring Programs. This version is designed to be viewed on a phone or computer screen.

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Chesapeake Bay Dissolved Oxygen Criterion Attainment Deficit: Three Decades of Temporal and Spatial Patterns (Page 1)

Chesapeake Bay dissolved oxygen criterion attainment deficit: Three decades of temporal and spatial patterns

Zhang Q, Tango PJ, Murphy RR, Forsyth MK, Tian R, Keisman J, Trentacoste EM ·

Low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions are a recurring issue in waters of Chesapeake Bay, with detrimental effects on aquatic living resources. The Chesapeake Bay Program partnership has developed criteria guidance supporting the definition of state water quality standards and associated assessment procedures for DO and other parameters, which provides a binary classification of attainment or impairment.

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2017 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (Page 1)

2017 Chesapeake Bay Report Card

Dylan Taillie, Alexandra Fries, Jamie Currie, Bill Dennison, Heath Kelsey, Jason Howard, Emily Nastase ·
15 June 2018

In past report card years, specific regions throughout Chesapeake Bay have shown improving trends, but this is the first year that the overall Chesapeake Bay is showing significant improvement. Overall Chesapeake Bay Health Scores have been variable in the past. However, since 2015, Chesapeake Bay Health Scores have consistently been in the high C range (53, 54, 54). These consecutive high scores have contributed to an overall positive trajectory for the first time.

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Chesapeake Bay's water quality condition has been recovering: Insights from a multimetric indicator assessment of thirty years of tidal monitoring data

Zhang Q, Murphy RR, Tian R, Forsyth MK, Trentacoste EM, Keisman J, Tango PJ ·

To protect the aquatic living resources of Chesapeake Bay, the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership has developed guidance for state water quality standards, which include ambient water quality criteria to protect designated uses (DUs), and associated assessment procedures for dissolved oxygen (DO), water clarity/underwater bay grasses, and chlorophyll-a. For measuring progress toward meeting the respective states' water quality standards…

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