Blog posts categorized by Science Communication
Bill Dennison describing the use of conceptual diagrams.

Science Communication Course

Bill Dennison ·
22 April 2010
Science Communication | 

A group of Integration and Application Network staff taught a one day science communication course at the Oxford Cooperative Laboratory on April 19. Bill Dennison, Jane Thomas, Jane Hawkey and Caroline Wicks covered the principles of science communication and provided lectures, activities, demonstrations and exercises for creating conceptual diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, and design/layout of posters and newsletters. Overall, there was a lot of material packed into the one day course.

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Hold that Thought

Is Science Communication an art?

Bill Dennison ·
28 March 2010
Science Communication | 

A publication by Oregon Sea Grant in 2008 entitled "Hold That Thought!: Questioning five common assumptions about communicating with the public" by Joe Cone presents as one of the myths "Science communication is an art". Integration and Application Network (IAN) staff often introduce science communication principles and examples by using the title "Zen and the Art of Science Communication" which does infer that there is an art to science communication.

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Science communication in southern Maine

Joanna Woerner ·
22 January 2010
Science Communication | 

Single digit temperatures, predictions of snow, and a six-inch blanket of the white stuff already on the ground seemed like a chilly proposition to Emily Nauman and me, Joanna Woerner, both Maryland Easternshorers who are acclimated to mild winters. However, as IAN Science Communicators we were eager to brave old man winter in order to present a Communicating Science Effectively course at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine.

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Annapolis Synthesis Center gets a facelift

Ben Fertig ·
22 December 2009
Science Communication | 

The IAN and Eco-Check crew pulled out out their brushes and rollers and gave the Annapolis Synthesis Center a once-over and some TLC. Light beige tones and warm brown accents give the ASC a whole new look for a new year. Kudos to Ken Barton for organizing the effort, to Chris Conner, Connie Musgrove and Ben Fertig for the prepwork, and to all the gang at Eco-Check and IAN for the group effort. Good job!

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ecolag logo

4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research

Adrian Jones ·
30 November 2009
Science Communication |     1 comments

Bill Dennison is one of the keynote speakers at the 4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research: Research and Management for the Conservation of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems, South - North comparisons which aims to strengthen the scientific network specialized in the study of coastal lagoon ecosystems. The conference to be held in December is being hosted by the University of Montpellier.

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The Bird's Head Seascape in West Papua

Jane Thomas ·
27 August 2009
Science Communication |     3 comments

Jane Thomas from IAN has been working with The Nature Conservancy this week in Bali. Together with Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund, TNC has been working with the Indonesian government to plan and establish multiple Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Bird's Head/Raja Ampat region of Indonesia's West Papua province. This region is in the heart of the Coral Triangle, which is the center of the highest coral diversity in the world.

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Our next book on coastal ecosystem assessment

Jane Thomas ·
24 July 2009
Science Communication |     4 comments

We have all been working hard this week trying to finish up our next book, entitled "Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment." Here's a little sneak peek at the book. We have structured it around the information in this triangle: It covers collecting and analyzing scientific data, through to integrating that into information and knowledge, and how to apply that knowledge to change society and solve environmental problems.

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