Kathy Boomer speaking at the IAN Seminar Series.

Discussion following Kathy Boomer seminar on the role of watershed modeling in local land management decisions in Maryland communities

Bill Dennison ·
26 May 2010
Learning Science |     1 comments

This blog post discusses the seminar given by Dr Kathy Boomer, of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, at the IAN Seminar Series on May 20, 2010. A lively discussion took place following Kathy's seminar, focused on the use of models, particularly the use of multiple models, for planning and resource management.

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Conservation Ontario website

Science Communication Course in Toronto, Ontario

Caroline Donovan ·
25 May 2010
Science Communication | 

Several times each year, IAN teaches a course on effectively communicating science. On May 12-13th, Bill Dennison (IAN) and Caroline Wicks (EcoCheck) traveled to Toronto, Ontario to teach the course to scientists and communication specialists who work for local conservation authorities. Conservation Ontario, the umbrella organization that oversees regional and local conservation authorities, helped provide funding for the course. The website states:

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REU students sampling oysters on board the RV Rachel Carson.

Research Experience for Undergraduate students arrive at UMCES

Bill Dennison ·
21 May 2010
Science Communication | 

Each summer, undergraduate science majors arrive in Maryland to join a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation entitled Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. The Maryland effort is led by Dr. Fredricka Moser from Maryland Sea Grant. Fredricka assembles a panel in the spring to select students from a huge number of stellar applications, and the panel also matches students with faculty mentors.

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IAN Press website showing purchase options, including print, electronic and buy by-the-section.

IAN Press Launches eBook Format

Bill Dennison ·
10 May 2010
Science Communication | 

IAN Press has added the capacity of electronic books, which enhances access to IAN publications. Electronic books provide an environmentally friendly format, reduce the cost to readers, avoid shipping costs and delays and avoid having books going out of print. Hard copy books are also available and there are various occasions when the hard copy books will be a preferred format. But ebooks will likely become the standard in the future, and IAN Press is proud to be adding this capacity.

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The resurgence of aquatic grasses in the Upper Bay results in the positive feedbacks to water quality.

Chesapeake Bay restoration: Are we headed in the right direction?

Bill Dennison ·
3 May 2010
Environmental Report Cards | 

The Chesapeake Bay Program has a long history of setting goals, and unfortunately an equally long history of NOT reaching these goals. The initial Chesapeake Bay Program goal, set in 1984, was for a 40% reduction in nutrient loads entering the Bay, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus. In spite of considerable investments in various nutrient reduction activities, this original goal has not been met, yet a variety of new goals have superseded these original goals.

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Bill Dennison and Ricky Arnold in Cambridge, MD.

Launching Ricky Into Space

Bill Dennison ·
29 April 2010

Ricky Arnold, a former graduate student at Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, stopped by Cambridge, Maryland on his way to the Wallops Island NASA facility. Ricky's last time in Cambridge was his thesis defense, nearly twenty years ago. Since his thesis defense, Ricky has lived in several countries, including Indonesia and Morocco, but has been in Houston, Texas for the past 6 years.

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Heath Kelsey speaking at the IAN Seminar Series.

Discussion following Heath Kelsey seminar on beach and shellfish forecasts using integrated data from monitoring programs, remote sensing, and observing systems

Bill Dennison ·
28 April 2010
Learning Science | 

This blog post discusses the seminar given by Dr Heath Kelsey, of EcoCheck, at the IAN Seminar Series on April 22, 2010. A wide ranging discussion of bacteria, viruses and contaminants in water and shellfish followed the seminar. Typical of discussions of bacteria in water or shellfish, the issue of the different methods was raised. The Most Probable Numbers technique used for faster turnaround (hours) was contrasted with the Membrane Filtration method which takes ca. 24 hours.

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Interns receive mentoring from one of our skilled IAN Science Communicators.

IAN Science Communication Intern Program

Bill Dennison ·
26 April 2010
Science Communication | 

IAN has developed an intern program: a short-term, immersive and experiential education in science communication applications. IAN interns typically come from a diversity of good undergraduate programs and many of them go on to a diversity of good graduate programs following their IAN internship. IAN interns develop a range of job skills, master various software, and fully integrate into the IAN program for several months and up to a year.

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