Blog posts categorized by Applying Science
Dr. James Sallis delivers the opening keynote session on the interdisciplinary field of Active Living Research.

How to improve interdisciplinary collaborations: lessons learned from scientists studying team science

Suzanne Webster ·
31 May 2018
Science Communication | Applying Science |     2 comments

I recently had the opportunity to attend the International Science of Team Science Conference in Galveston, Texas, from May 21-23. This conference was unique in that it convened researchers and practitioners from all professions and academic backgrounds who share the goals of "understanding and enhancing the processes and outcomes of collaborative, team-based research." As an interdisciplinary scholar who is interested in collaborative learning and science engagement…

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The Chesapeake Bay SAV Synthesis working group during a meeting help at the UMCES Annapolis office. Photo courtesy of UMCES.

Scientific synthesis paper shows Chesapeake Bay nutrient diet is working

Bill Dennison ·
5 March 2018
Applying Science | Learning Science |     2 comments

As part of our Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis effort (SAV SYN), the paper “Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region” was published online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). Jon Lefcheck from the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, formerly at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, was the first author, with our entire SAV SYN team as co-authors:

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Our class met every Fridays from 10-12 AM EST (PM in Western Australia!) through BlueJeans.

Learning About Transdisciplinary Science Through Graduate Teaching

Bill Dennison ·
12 February 2018
Applying Science | Learning Science | 

Last semester, Heath Kelsey and I taught a Marine Estuarine and Environmental Science (MEES) course titled “Transdisciplinary Science For Environmental Problem Solving." Our three Integration and Application Network students, Suzi Spitzer, Vanessa Vargas and Natalie Peyronnin enrolled in the 2 credit course. Professor Michael “Dougo” Douglas from the University of Western Australia attended most classes, in spite of the fact that it was 10 pm - 12 am in Perth, Australia.

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Our presentation team sharing a meal before our session.

Sharing tools for stakeholder engagement and collaboration at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum

Suzanne Webster ·
4 December 2017
Environmental Literacy | Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science | 

Last month, several IAN staff members traveled to the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, to attend the Chesapeake Watershed Forum. The Forum is an annual regional conference hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. This year IAN was represented by Caroline, Emily, Dylan, Vanessa, and Suzi. The 2017 conference theme was Healthy Lands, Healthy Waters, Healthy People.

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Bill Dennison, Michele Thieme and Simon Costanzo in front of the Parliament House in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photo Credit Bill Dennison

In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 1

Bill Dennison ·
18 July 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science |     1 comments

From July 2nd- 4th, 2017, Simon Costanzo, Michele Thieme and I took a day to walk around the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator) and two days on driving tours to see both upstream and downstream sections of the Tuul River. This blog installment provides the first part of a synopsis of these field trips in anticipation of our Tuul River report card workshop. Ulaanbaatar … Ulaanbaatar centers around a large public square. Behind this square is Parliament House.

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Marissa Joiner, Laura Murray, Michael Kemp and Cullen Murray-Kemp. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

Michael Kemp's Retirement Party

Bill Dennison ·
13 July 2017
Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

On May 20th, 2017, two former students of Michael Kemp, Jeremy Testa and Cassie Gurbisz, surprised him with a retirement party. For the venue, they chose the the pavilion at Horn Point Laboratory, which is part of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. His son Cullen Murray-Kemp and daughter-in-law Marissa Joiner drove up from Charleston, South Carolina to surprise him.

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Dr. Don Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Image credit: Baltimore Sun

Don Boesch, the Coastal Scholar, steps down after 27 years

Bill Dennison ·
6 July 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

Dr. Don Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Image credit: Baltimore Sun … We had two very nice events to celebrate Don Boesch’s twenty seven year career as President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The first was held on June 1 at the Institute of Marine Environmental Technology in Baltimore with some 300 people attending. It featured many speeches and testimonials and was a grand event.

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Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit poster and logo. Image credit: Bill Dennison

Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit

Bill Dennison ·
4 July 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | Applying Science |     1 comments

The Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit was held at the Florida International University Biscayne Bay campus. I flew down at the invitation of Jim Fourqurean, my long time friend and seagrass colleague, who provided a very nice introduction. There were around two hundred people in attendance and my role was to provide a lunch time talk to relate some lessons from other locations that were relevant to Biscayne Bay.

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