Blog posts categorized by Environmental Report Cards
Jane Hawkey photographing on a beach. Photo credit Simon Costanzo

Jane Hawkey, the Integration and Application Network ‘Closer’ retiring

Bill Dennison ·
11 July 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication |     1 comments

Before starting at the Integration and Application Network (IAN) in 2005, Jane Hawkey worked for Washington Sea Grant, and then as a research assistant for several different Horn Point Laboratory faculty. There, she attended research cruises, produced newsletters and helped with publication graphics. These skills and experiences helped her when she joined IAN. She rose to IAN Senior Science Communicator within a short time period.

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Our University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Chesapeake Bay Program Staff met at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center to introduce themselves, and discuss the IAN report card and brand. Image credit: James Currie

Annual IAN Retreat at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center

Bill Dennison ·
23 June 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

The Integration and Application Network annual retreat was held at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center on Kent Narrows on May 31. Two dozen IAN staff spent the day introducing themselves to each other, discussing the IAN report card and the IAN brand. This annual gathering includes our University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Chesapeake Bay Program staff (UMCES@CBP).

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Map of the location of the Three Gorges Dam. Image credit: Rolfmueller (commons) – Rolfmueller (wp-en) - from en wp, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Three Gorges Dam Visit

Simon Costanzo ·
21 June 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Learning Science |     2 comments

In April I travelled to China to discuss report cards with WWF China. Following the workshop (outlined in a previous blog), I was extremely lucky to be taken on a guided tour of the Three Gorges Dam that spans the Yangzte River in Hubei Province. Now this ain’t just any dam, it’s the biggest hydroelectricity generating dam in the world with a capacity of 85 terrawatt hours per year, or a 10th of China’s whole energy budget! Can you imagine?!

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The 5-day SESYNC short course on Social Network Analysis was taught by Lorien Jasny. Image credit: Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen

Adding value to “Network” in IAN: Exploring the potential uses of Social Network Analysis

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen ·
19 June 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science |     1 comments

Last June 5-9, 2017, I was fortunate enough to be selected to participate in SESYNC’s short course on Social Network Analysis (SNA) taught by Lorien Jasny, PhD, who was a postdoc at SESYNC but is now based at Exeter University in the UK. This introduction and crash course on Social Network Analysis was a great opportunity for me, as I will be using SNA in my dissertation research.

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A busy two days on the porch at UMCES Center Administration offices in Cambridge. Image credit: Heath Kelsey

WWF and UMCES Retreat 24-25 May 2017

Heath Kelsey ·
16 June 2017
Environmental Literacy | Environmental Report Cards | 

The WWF-UMCES Partnership met at the UMCES Horn Point Lab Campus in Cambridge, MD on May 24 and 25 this year for our annual two-day retreat. This year’s agenda was, as usual, very ambitious, including the introduction of new people, discussions on branding the partnership, the incorporation of climate change indicators into the report card process, modeling for scenario development, and reviews of upcoming communication products.

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In the meeting reviewing the Guanabara Bay Report Card. Image credit: Alex Fries

Finalizing the Guanabara Bay Report Card

Alexandra Fries ·
12 June 2017
Environmental Report Cards |     1 comments

On April 24th, 2017, Dave Nemazie and I began our journey to Rio de Janeiro. Little did we know, instead of taking 18 hours to get there, it would take 30. We flew through JFK, and a delayed flight meant we missed our connection to Rio. After spending the day in New York, we finally arrived a day after we were supposed to. Despite our travel woes, we made it to Rio and had productive meetings with our partners, Guido Gelli and Marlus Newton.

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The theme for the 2017 Gulf of Mexico Summit is “One Gulf”

Progressing toward a Report Card for the Gulf of Mexico

Heath Kelsey ·
26 May 2017
Environmental Report Cards | 

The theme for the 2017 Gulf of Mexico Summit is “One Gulf” … The theme of the State of the Gulf of Mexico Summit this year in Houston was “One Gulf” and was all about synthesis of science to create positive restoration outcomes. I served on a panel with Mark Harwell and Jack Gentile to discuss our work on the Texas coast Report Card project, and our larger ambition for a Gulf of Mexico Report Card.

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Wuhan is located along the central part of the Yangtze River. Image credit: google.

Scoping a report card for the Yangtze River basin, China.

Simon Costanzo ·
22 May 2017
Environmental Report Cards | 

In April I travelled to China with Michele Thieme and Judy Takats from the World Wildlife Fund U.S. (WWF). The trip was planned to discuss with WWF China whether our report card process would work within the Chinese context. It was my first trip to China, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I discovered was a truly different, yet amazing country with friendly people, great food and amazing sights (I’ll talk more about my trip to the Three Gorges Dam in a following blog).

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R.A. Fisher developed the statistical tools of data analysis that scientists use to get answers to simple, direct questions. Environment report cards are a tool for assembling this information to answer more complex questions. Image Credit: flickr

What are these data trying to tell us?

Bill Nuttle ·
15 May 2017
Environmental Report Cards |     1 comments

“Let the data speak for themselves,” is a quote frequently attributed to Sir R. A. Fisher. Fisher was biologist who was drawn to the task of sifting through 70 years of data on crop yields and genetics accumulated at Rothamsted Experimental Station. The challenge of making sense of all this data led Fisher to develop a number of statistical tools that are used today by everyone who works with data.

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