Creating and Communicating Environmental Intelligence

Bill Dennison ·
4 March 2019
Science Communication |     1 comments

As part of the 21st International Riversymposium, I presented a keynote talk entitled “Creating and communicating environmental intelligence“. Elements of environmental intelligence include the following: • The ability to acquire and apply environmental knowledge. • The collection of information of environmental value. • The ability to perceive your surroundings. The word ‘environment’ is derived from a French word ‘environ’, meaning surrounding.

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Toasting Farewell to Mark Belton

Bill Dennison ·
1 March 2019

Many of the Chesapeake Bay crowd gathered at an Eastport pub on a snowy evening to toast farewell to Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Secretary Mark Belton. Mark was Secretary of DNR for four years, as part of the Hogan Administration. Mark and his colleague Ben Grumbles Secretary of Maryland Department of Environment (MDE), led the Maryland contribution to the Chesapeake and Maryland Coastal Bays restoration efforts and I have enjoyed working with them.

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CMC Data Interpretation Course in Richmond, VA and Carlisle, PA

Yesenia Valverde ·
25 February 2019
Science Communication | 

Throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, volunteer monitoring groups collect and assess important water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate data. Thanks to the hard work of the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative, many valuable resources, including methods manuals and factsheets, provide groups guidance in ensuring the quality-and therefore value-of their data.

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A global hotspot for crocodiles, turtles, migratory birds, and mangroves – Bhitarkanika Conservation Area, Odisha, India

Simon Costanzo ·
22 February 2019
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication |     1 comments

Let us start this blog by saying that whenever … we travel to India, we are met with the warmest of hospitality from our … colleagues at the National … Center for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM). Dr Ramesh … Ramachandran, Dr Purvaja Ramachandran, Dr Ajit Pattnaik, and their wonderful team … always go above and beyond to ensure we have a wonderful and rich experience. So, thank you NCSCM!

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Rupert and I Visit the Anthropocene

Bill Nuttle ·
18 February 2019

My son, Rupert, and I decided to visit the National Gallery when he was home in Ottawa not long ago. A collection of photographs and videos called the Anthropocene has been drawing crowds all winter. An afternoon together at the art gallery seemed an ideal opportunity for some intergenerational bonding. As it turned out, if it weren’t for a virtual rhinoceros, I doubt that I could have survived with my parental dignity intact.

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An Array and a Ray

Kate Petersen ·
11 February 2019
Learning Science |     1 comments

Photo credit: SERC … This blog post is the second of a two-post series examining cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) history and ecology in the Chesapeake Bay. Hauled aboard a fishing vessel on the Chesapeake Bay, most of the creatures caught in the net would never return to the sea. But one supple parallelogram with a kind smile was afforded a less adverse fate.

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When Bad Things Happen to Good Rays

Kate Petersen ·
8 February 2019
Science Communication | Applying Science | Case studies | 

This blog post is the first of a two-post series examining cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) history and ecology in the Chesapeake Bay. In 2007, an article appeared in the reputable scientific journal Science asserting that declines in large shark populations along the eastern coast of the United States had led to an “explosion” of rays and skates due to lack of predation.

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Mountains as Sentinels of Change: Summary from Belmont Forum

Katie May Laumann ·
1 February 2019

Belmont Forum participants worked together to create a sketch (top) for a conceptual diagram that represented 'Mountains as Sentinels of Change'. The finalized diagram (bottom) will be featured in the upcoming synthesis publication. Figure credit: Yesenia Valverde. Mountain regions are ecologically important worldwide. They are home to incredible biodiversity, providing critical habitat for many species. They also provide critical resources to people.

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Overlooking the Verde River near Peck’s Lake. Photo: Alexandra Fries.

If the river's not flowing, is it still a river? Learning about the Verde River Watershed

Alexandra Fries ·
29 January 2019
Environmental Report Cards |     1 comments

Emily Nastase, Andrew Elmore, and I traveled to Cottonwood, Arizona in November 2018 to kick off the Verde River Watershed Report Card project. This project is supported by the Forest Service, with partners from the Friends of the Verde River and The Nature Conservancy. We started the trip with a full day in the field on November 12th, driving around the Verde Watershed and getting a feel for the region.

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