IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Assessing Nutrient Sources (Page 1)

Assessing Nutrient Sources

Adrian Jones, Tracey Saxby ·
1 February 2003

This IAN newsletter explores the assessment of nutrient sources using stable isotope signatures of various marine organisms. This technique was developed in Moreton Bay, Australia for mapping sewage plumes, and was also used to determine the extent of aquaculture effluent (shrimp ponds) and to distinguish agricultural runoff (sugar cane) from other sources. The stable isotope ratio of nitrogen in organisms can be used to determine the influence of different nitrogen sources.

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University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: History, Mission & Accomplishments (Page 1)

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: History, Mission & Accomplishments

Dave Nemazie, Bill Dennison, Tracey Saxby ·
1 February 2003

This newsletter is a summary of the history, mission and accomplishments of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). This summary has been prepared to provide a sense of where we have come from, what we are doing and where we are going. It also serves to identify the collaborative role UMCES plays within the University System and the State of Maryland.

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Healthy Chesapeake Waterways (Page 1)

Healthy Chesapeake Waterways

Tim Carruthers ·
1 May 2002

This science newsletter focuses on the role of the Integration and Application Network (IAN) in achieving healthy Chesapeake waterways. This is the first in a series of IAN newsletters on topical issues and is directed towards the scientific and technical audience. This newsletter identifies IAN's vision for Healthy Chesapeake Waterways and includes an overview of environmental problem solving, through transfer of data into information into knowledge and ultimately into problem solving.

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