Tim Carruthers
Director of Coastal Ecology
The Water Institute of the Gulf

Mailing Address
Tim Carruthers
Director of Coastal Ecology
The Water Institute of the Gulf
Phyllospadix (surf grass) (PHOTO)
Phylospadix (surf grass) (PHOTO)
Phylospadix (surf grass) (PHOTO)
Breach to Bay Champagne (PHOTO)
Breach to Bay Champagne (PHOTO)
Collecting invertebrates (PHOTO)
Eelgrass growing on intertidal mudflat (PHOTO)
Flowering Ruppia maritima (widgeongrass) (PHOTO)
Mud flat at low tide (PHOTO)
Ruppia maritima (widgeongrass) on mudflat (PHOTO)
Salicornia marsh (pickle weed) (PHOTO)
Morro Rock (PHOTO)
Zostera marina (eelgrass) (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay marsh (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bridge (PHOTO)
Fishing Boats Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Allison and Ben deploy bouys (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay Bouy Deployment (PHOTO)
George Island Landing (PHOTO)
Hardshell Clams (PHOTO)
Houses and Jetties (PHOTO)
Johnson's Bay marsh (PHOTO)
Ocean Pines (PHOTO)
Private Jetty (PHOTO)
Seagrass Bed (PHOTO)
Seagrass Bed (PHOTO)
Seagrass sampling St. Martin's River (PHOTO)
Seagrass sampling St. Martin's River (PHOTO)
Coastal Portugal from the air (PHOTO)
Downtown Lisbon, Portugal, from the air (PHOTO)
Entrance to Ria Formosa, Portugal (PHOTO)
Lisbon, Portugal (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa, Portugal (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa, Portugal (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa, Portugal (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa, Portugal, ponds (PHOTO)
Clam shells on tidal flat (PHOTO)
Cyclists on the causway to Praia de Faro, Portugal (PHOTO)
Digging hard clams, Portugal (PHOTO)
Mostly gone for spares (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa, Portugal (PHOTO)
Ulva and Codium on tidal flat (PHOTO)
Levee pump station, New Orleans (PHOTO)
The French Quarter (PHOTO)
The old and the new, New Orleans (PHOTO)
Abandoned salt mine (PHOTO)
Atchafalaya River mouth (PHOTO)
Attempted protection of barrier island (PHOTO)
Barrier Island Erosion (PHOTO)
Barrier Island protection levees (PHOTO)
Barrier island erosion (PHOTO)
Bayou Community amongst eroding wetlands (PHOTO)
Bayou town in coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Cleanup from Hurricane Katrina (PHOTO)
Coastal Community in degrading wetland (PHOTO)
Coastal Community in degrading wetland (PHOTO)
Coastal housing in Louisiana (PHOTO)
Coastal housing in Louisiana (PHOTO)
Coastal marshes in Louisiana (PHOTO)
Coastal marshes in Louisiana (PHOTO)
Cypress swamp (PHOTO)
Cypress swamp, coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Degrading wetlands in coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Dried mud (PHOTO)
Dry mud in Cypress swamp (PHOTO)
Eroding coastal wetland (PHOTO)
Eroding coastal wetland (PHOTO)
Flood protection barrier (PHOTO)
Flood protection barrier (PHOTO)
Flood protection barrier (PHOTO)
Flood protection barrier coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Houses in Cocodrie (PHOTO)
Houses in Cocodrie (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands of coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands of coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands of coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands of coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intact wetlands of coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Intercoastal waterway (PHOTO)
Mouth of the Atchafalaya River (PHOTO)
Navigation channel dissecting eroding wetland (PHOTO)
Oil fields of Louisiana (PHOTO)
Oil gas extraction rig in coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Oil rig (PHOTO)
Plugged channel (PHOTO)
Port Fourchon (PHOTO)
Port Fourchon (PHOTO)
Port Fourchon (PHOTO)
Remnant eroded wetlands, Coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Shrimp boat coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Shrimp boat coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Shrimp boat coastal Louisiana (PHOTO)
Timbalier Island (PHOTO)
Wax Lake Diversion (PHOTO)
Wax Lake Diversion (PHOTO)
Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadow (PHOTO)
Alosa sapidissima (American Shad) (SYMBOL)
Saccharina latissima (Sugar Kelp) (SYMBOL)
Ceratium spp. (Dinoflagellate) (SYMBOL)
Chicken house (SYMBOL)
Ecklonia radiata (SYMBOL)
Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth) : caterpillar (SYMBOL)
Ovis aries (Sheep) (SYMBOL)
Seagrass: growth (SYMBOL)
Seagrass: potential habitat (SYMBOL)
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) (SYMBOL)
Assembling biological indicator gear (PHOTO)
Assembling cages for oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Collecting water samples (PHOTO)
Deployment cage for oyster biological indicator (PHOTO)
Ice Breaker Samples (PHOTO)
Ice Breaker Samples (PHOTO)
Ice Breaker Samples (PHOTO)
Ice Breaker Samples (PHOTO)
Ice Breaker Samples (PHOTO)
Icy Beach (PHOTO)
Sampling at the Horn Point Laboratory dock (PHOTO)
Snow on the beach (PHOTO)
Snow on the beach (PHOTO)
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (KALOKO-HONOKOHAU NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK - HAWAII)
Adapting to climate change in the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (VERDE ISLAND PASSAGE - PHILIPPINES)
Colonial National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (COLONIAL NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK - MID ATLANTIC)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment (ASSATEAGUE ISLAND - MARYLAND COASTAL BAYS)
Rock Creek National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (ROCK CREEK PARK - MID ATLANTIC)
Global trajectories of seagrasses
National Capital Region science communication products (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION PARKS - MID ATLANTIC)
Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Towards a framework to support coastal change governance in small islands (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Oyster delta N-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
A social and ecological imperative for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in the Pacific Islands (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Elucidating terrestrial nutrient sources to a coastal lagoon, Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Improving management of a mid-Atlantic coastal barrier island through assessment of habitat condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Oyster deltaN-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Restoration of overwash processes creates piping plover (Charadrius melodus) habitat on a barrier island (Assateague Island, Maryland) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
A comparative analysis of ecosystem-based adaptation and engineering options for Lami Town, Fiji (REPORT)
Colonial National Historical Park natural resource condition assessment (REPORT)
Samoa 2012 Environmental Outlook: developing a vision for the next 50 years (REPORT CARD)
Samoa 2012 Environmental Outlook: developing a vision for the next 50 years (Samoan) (REPORT CARD)
A Habitat-Based Framework for Communicating Natural Resource Condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Collaborative partnerships help bridge the gap between science and education (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The coastal syndromes and hotspots on the coast (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
War in the Pacific National Historical Park (BROCHURE)
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (REPORT)
Coral Health Index (CHI): measuring coral community health (REPORT)
Economic incentives for marine conservation (REPORT)
Groundwater resources at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (BROCHURE)
USS Arizona: once a site of human devastation, now a haven for marine life (POSTER)
Bridging the gap between human culture and conservation (NEWSLETTER)
Economic incentives motivate human behavior change (NEWSLETTER)
Adapting to climate change (REPORT)
Adapting to climate change (NEWSLETTER)
Living with the Sea: Local efforts buffer effects of global change (REPORT)
MMAs: What, why, and where (REPORT)
People and Oceans: Managing marine areas for human well-being (REPORT)
National Park of American Samoa (BROCHURE)
Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK)
Chapter 6: Ecological report cards: integrating indicators into report cards (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 8: Environmental statistics: balancing simplicity and explanatory power (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 9: Environmental models: providing synthesis, analysis, simulation, and prediction (BOOK CHAPTER)
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) [delta]15N as a bioindicator of nitrogen sources: Observations and modeling (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Integrating and Applying Science: A practical handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK WHOLE)
Long-Term Trends in Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay, USA, Related to Water Quality (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The legacy of Kalaupapa National Historical Park (POSTER)
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (BROCHURE)
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (BROCHURE)
Rock Creek Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Shifting Sands: Environmental and cultural change in Maryland's Coastal Bays (BOOK)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (REPORT CARD)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (Russian) (REPORT CARD)
Upstream land use affects water quality in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail (POSTER)
Inventory and Monitoring Program, Pacific Island Network, National Park Service (NEWSLETTER)
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (POSTER)
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park (POSTER)
Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site (POSTER)
The charisma of coastal ecosystems: addressing the imbalance (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Trophic Transfers from Seagrass Meadows Subsidize Diverse Marine and Terrestrial Consumers (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Measuring the Health of our National Parks: Rock Creek Park (NEWSLETTER)
Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
The role of benthic communities in the health of Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Accurately measuring the abundance of benthic microalgae in spatially variable habitats (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
An eye-opening approach to developing and communicating integrated environmental assessments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Linking water quality to living resources in a mid-Atlantic lagoon system, USA (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrasses of south-west Australia: A conceptual synthesis of the world's most diverse and extensive seagrass meadows (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The challenge of communicating monitoring results to effect change (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
National Capital Region Network Regional Overview (POSTER)
Antietam National Battlefield (POSTER)
Catoctin Mountain Park (POSTER)
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (POSTER)
George Washington Memorial Parkway (POSTER)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (POSTER)
Manassas National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
Monocacy National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
National Capital Parks-East (POSTER)
Prince William Forest Park (POSTER)
Rock Creek Park (POSTER)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (POSTER)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK)
A Conceptual Basis for Natural Resource Monitoring (REPORT)
An Eye Opening Approach to Integrated Environmental Assessments (POSTER)
A Global Crisis for Seagrass Ecosystems (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK WHOLE)
Reducing flood damage in coastal Louisiana: Communities, culture & commerce (NEWSLETTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: Estuaries (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: South Coast (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: West Coast (POSTER)
Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay (NEWSLETTER)
Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Lagoon scale processes in a coastally influenced Caribbean system: Implications for the seagrass Thalassia testudinum (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
State of the Maryland Coastal Bays 2004 (REPORT)
A comparison of issues and management approaches in Moreton Bay, Australia and Chesapeake Bay, USA (BOOK CHAPTER)
Seagrass habitats of Bocas del Toro province: a balance between river, mangrove and coral influences (POSTER)
Submarine Springs and Sewage (POSTER)
Healthy Chesapeake Waterways (NEWSLETTER)
Testing the sediment-trapping paradigm of seagrass: do seagrasses influence nutrient status and sediment structure in tropical intertidal environments? (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Measurement of light penetration in relation to seagrass (BOOK CHAPTER)
Sensitivity of transects across a depth gradient to measuring changes in aerial coverage and abundance of Ruppia megacarpa Mason (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Light climate and energy flow in the seagrass canopy of Amphibolis griffithii (J.M. Black) den Hartog (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Experimental manipulation of canopy density in a temperate seagrass (Amphibolis griffithii (Black) den Hartog) meadow: effects on sediments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Culture studies on two morphological types of Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) from Perth, Western Australia, with a description of a new species (JOURNAL ARTICLE)