Jane Hawkey
Senior Science Communicator
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Mailing Address
Jane Hawkey
Senior Science Communicator
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
copepod2 (SYMBOL)
generic fish (SYMBOL)
Upper Potomac Headwaters Conceptual Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram of the key features of and threats to the Indian River Lagoon (GRAPHIC)
A preliminary qualitative assessment of ecosystem health of the Yucatan coast (GRAPHIC)
Degraded water quality (SYMBOL)
Factory (SYMBOL)
Pencil (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American Flamingo) 1 (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American Flamingo) 2 (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American Flamingo) 3 (SYMBOL)
Saltwater intrusion (SYMBOL)
The natural resources and human activities of the Yucatan State Coast (GRAPHIC)
Water quality (SYMBOL)
Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina wren) (PHOTO)
Clipboard icon (SYMBOL)
Computer map icon (SYMBOL)
Data display icon (SYMBOL)
Graduates icon (SYMBOL)
Knowledge icon (SYMBOL)
Library icon (SYMBOL)
New ideas icon (SYMBOL)
People icon (SYMBOL)
Science report icon (SYMBOL)
Teaching icon (SYMBOL)
Webinar icon (SYMBOL)
Biodiversity Hot Spot (SYMBOL)
Cold Front (SYMBOL)
Ecotourism (SYMBOL)
Fertilizer ban icon (SYMBOL)
Fishery (SYMBOL)
Flooding (SYMBOL)
Legislative initiative icon (SYMBOL)
Marine Access Limited (SYMBOL)
Oil Derrick (SYMBOL)
Rain barrel icon (SYMBOL)
Shellfish Fishery (SYMBOL)
Shrimp Fishery (SYMBOL)
Tourism (SYMBOL)
Volunteer (SYMBOL)
Water: septic truck icon (SYMBOL)
Yard waste icon (SYMBOL)
Energy: renewable energy icon (SYMBOL)
Hourglass (SYMBOL)
Information spectrum for ecosystem report cards (GRAPHIC)
A deadly sequence of events in Florida (GRAPHIC)
Killdeer egg (PHOTO)
Rhyothemis graphiptera (Banded Flutterer) (SYMBOL)
Meleagris gallopavo (Wild turkey) (SYMBOL)
Human Dimension in the Arctic coastal zone (GRAPHIC)
Chitala ornata (Clown knifefish) (SYMBOL)
Weather: wind 3 (SYMBOL)
Birder (SYMBOL)
Field researcher (SYMBOL)
Ornithologist (SYMBOL)
Anseranas semipalmata (Magpie Goose) 2 (SYMBOL)
Oryza meridionalis (Wild rice) (SYMBOL)
Salvinia molesta (Giant Salvinia) (SYMBOL)
Caribbean house (SYMBOL)
Diadema antillarum (black sea urchin) (SYMBOL)
Dive boat (SYMBOL)
Marine protected area (SYMBOL)
Recycling bins (SYMBOL)
Reduce Reuse Recycle (SYMBOL)
Strombus gigas (Queen Conch) (SYMBOL)
Water: Biodigestor (SYMBOL)
Belize coral reefs in jeopardy (GRAPHIC)
Coral reefs of Mexico are in jeopardy (GRAPHIC)
The coastal areas of Guatemala are impacted by human activities (GRAPHIC)
The current features of and threats to the coastal ecosystem of Honduras (GRAPHIC)
'Akohekohe (palmeria dolei) (SYMBOL)
'O'mao (myadestes obscurus) (SYMBOL)
Akiapola'au (hemignathus munroi) (SYMBOL)
Elepaio (chasiempis sandwichensis) (SYMBOL)
Hawai'i akepa (loxops coccineus) (SYMBOL)
Hawai'i creeper (oreomystis mana) (SYMBOL)
Hawaiian Crow or alala (Corvus hawaiiensis) (SYMBOL)
House finch (carpodacus mexicanus) (SYMBOL)
Japanese bush warbler (cettia diphone) (SYMBOL)
Japanese white-eye (zosterops japonicus) (SYMBOL)
Maui 'alauahio (paroreomyza montana) (SYMBOL)
Po'ouli (melamprosops phaesoma) (SYMBOL)
Gullah sweetgrass basket (SYMBOL)
Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Olive hymenachne) (SYMBOL)
Passerina ciris (Painted Bunting) (SYMBOL)
Pinus palustris (Longleaf Pine) (SYMBOL)
Coast to coast USA 2D (SYMBOL)
Field station (SYMBOL)
Abandoned shrimp nets (SYMBOL)
Dead fish (SYMBOL)
Illegal shrimp pens (SYMBOL)
Money symbol (SYMBOL)
Dishwasher (SYMBOL)
Lawn Fertilizer Spreader (SYMBOL)
Next steps (SYMBOL)
Pressure response diagram (GRAPHIC)
Toolbox (SYMBOL)
Fale: enclosed 4 (Samoa) (SYMBOL)
Flag: USA Hawaii (SYMBOL)
Flag: United Kingdom (SYMBOL)
Flag: United States of America (SYMBOL)
Hawaiian Royalty Headdress (SYMBOL)
Hibiscus Flower (SYMBOL)
Inputs: sediments 2 (SYMBOL)
Metrosideros Polymorpha (Hi'a Lehua) (SYMBOL)
Wood-split fencing 02 (SYMBOL)
Inputs: sewage (SYMBOL)
Vessel strike of marine mammal (SYMBOL)
Atmospheric and Eutrophic Acidification (GRAPHIC)
Canada geese (Branta canadensis) with goslings (PHOTO)
Duck blind (PHOTO)
Eroded shoreline with tree snags (PHOTO)
Female mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and ducklings (PHOTO)
Hardened shoreline prevents erosion (PHOTO)
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) nest in busy parking lot protect (PHOTO)
Pickeral rush (Pontederia cordata) (PHOTO)
Pickeral rush (Pontederia cordata) occupies wetland shoreline (PHOTO)
Pound net (PHOTO)
Restored Chesapeake Bay oyster buy boat (PHOTO)
2005 Corsica River Fish Kill (GRAPHIC)
Algal Bloom Causation and Impacts in Brackish Rivers (GRAPHIC)
Aureococcus Anophagefferens Blooms and Nitrogen Concentrations (GRAPHIC)
Causes and Impacts of Brown Tide Algal Blooms (GRAPHIC)
Cleaning Up Pet Waste as a Key Watershed Stewardship Behavior (GRAPHIC)
Increased Nitrogen Fertilizer Use in Maryland Since 1970 (GRAPHIC)
Prorocentrum Minimum Levels since 1970 (GRAPHIC)
The Causes and Effects of Eutrophication (GRAPHIC)
The Distributions of Common Harmful Algal Blooms in Maryland's Chesapeake and Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
The Reduction of Hard Surfaces as a Key Watershed Stewardship Behavior (GRAPHIC)
Trends in Hypoxic Volume Since 1970 (GRAPHIC)
Agricultural fertilizer icon (SYMBOL)
Baby diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin (PHOTO)
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) (PHOTO)
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) (PHOTO)
Lawn fertilizer icon (SYMBOL)
Climate Change Effects on Assateague Island's Inland Wetlands (GRAPHIC)
Climate Change Effects on Assateague Island's Intertidal Beach (GRAPHIC)
Climate Change Effects on the Dunes of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Climate Change Factors and their Impacts on Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Climate Change Impacts on Assateague's Forest Ecosystem (GRAPHIC)
Effects of Climate Change on the Bay Subtidal and Mudflat Ecosystem on Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Effects of Climate Change on the Salt Marsh Ecosystem on Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
The Widespread Effects of Climate Change on Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Water Quality Management Decision Tree (GRAPHIC)
Northern Great Plains Network National Park Service Units Map (GRAPHIC)
Steps to Identifying High Priority Tributaries (GRAPHIC)
Badlands National Park (GRAPHIC)
Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site Resources and Threats (GRAPHIC)
Generic Resources and Threats to the Northern Great Plains Parks (GRAPHIC)
Jewel Cave National Monument Threats and Features (GRAPHIC)
Niobrara National Scenic River Resources and Threats (GRAPHIC)
Chilika Lake Pollution Pressure (GRAPHIC)
Chilika Lake Tourism Pressure (GRAPHIC)
Chilika Lake Fishing and Aquaculture Pressures (GRAPHIC)
Chilika Lake Sedimentation (GRAPHIC)
Osprey in Tree (PHOTO)
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) nest in busy parking lot protect (PHOTO)
Nest and eggs of a Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) (PHOTO)
Nest of northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) (PHOTO)
Birds on a tilted bird feeder (PHOTO)
Northern cardinal (PHOTO)
Northern cardinal (PHOTO)
Boat in the Bay (PHOTO)
Boat in the Bay (PHOTO)
Boats at the dock (PHOTO)
Boats at the dock (PHOTO)
Docked boats (PHOTO)
Docked waterman's boat (PHOTO)
Equipment on a waterman's boat (PHOTO)
Equipment on a waterman's boat (PHOTO)
Equipment on a waterman's boat (PHOTO)
Fishing equipment (PHOTO)
Fishing equipment (PHOTO)
Fishing equipment on boats (PHOTO)
Pollution in the water (PHOTO)
Waterman boat (PHOTO)
Watermen boats (PHOTO)
Watermen boats (PHOTO)
Watermen boats (PHOTO)
Woods along the shoreline (PHOTO)
Woods along the shoreline (PHOTO)
Boats at the dock (PHOTO)
Tires in the water (PHOTO)
Cultural Odisha graphics (SYMBOL)
Fish trap 2 (SYMBOL)
Local water transport (India) (SYMBOL)
Net fishers (India) (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus minor (Lesser Flamingo) : flying (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus minor (Lesser Flamingo) : standing (SYMBOL)
Phoenicopterus minor (Lesser Flamingo) : walking (SYMBOL)
Small village (India) (SYMBOL)
Tour boat (India) (SYMBOL)
Aquaculture (SYMBOL)
Drinking water (SYMBOL)
Energy: hydro power station (SYMBOL)
Fertilizer (SYMBOL)
Jet ski (SYMBOL)
Race track or horse breeding facility (SYMBOL)
Water: sewage pumping station (SYMBOL)
Saltworks (SYMBOL)
Dugong dugon (Dugong) 2 (SYMBOL)
Neophocaena phocaenoides (Finless Porpoise) (SYMBOL)
Urban: green roof 3 (SYMBOL)
Total organic carbon (TOC) (SYMBOL)
Favella species (SYMBOL)
Gyrodinium species (SYMBOL)
Tintinnopsis species (SYMBOL)
Bee balm (Monarda didyma) (PHOTO)
Coneflowers (Echinecea) and bee (PHOTO)
Best Management Practices (BMPs) (GRAPHIC)
Impervious versus pervious surfaces (GRAPHIC)
Detention pond at flood (PHOTO)
Flooded corn (PHOTO)
Flooded cropland (PHOTO)
Flooding (PHOTO)
Infiltration trench in parking lot (PHOTO)
Stormwater ditch (PHOTO)
Stormwater ditch with cows (PHOTO)
Stormwater trash in parking lot (PHOTO)
Black oak (Quercus velutina) volunteer (PHOTO)
Cope's gray tree frog (Hyla chrysoscelis) (PHOTO)
Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora) closeup (PHOTO)
Corn crop (PHOTO)
Corn crop closeup (PHOTO)
Diseased elm (PHOTO)
Driveway lined with Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) (PHOTO)
Elevated rain barrel (PHOTO)
Forest interior wetland (PHOTO)
Forester and landowner agree on healthly forest strategies (PHOTO)
Forester and landowner consult (PHOTO)
Forester and landowner consult during a survey of the forest (PHOTO)
Forester and landowner survey the forest (PHOTO)
Forester checks for disease or pests (PHOTO)
Forester planting a tree (PHOTO)
Girdling a Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (PHOTO)
Girdling a Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (PHOTO)
Girdling a Sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) (PHOTO)
Healthy diverse forest (PHOTO)
Healthy forest (PHOTO)
Healthy forest (PHOTO)
Healthy forest (PHOTO)
Horse manure compost pile (PHOTO)
Horse manure compost pile (PHOTO)
Horse trail and jump (PHOTO)
Invasive Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) (PHOTO)
Invasive multiflora with Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) (PHOTO)
Invasive multiflora with wild grape (Vitis spp.) (PHOTO)
Landowner and Forester consult (PHOTO)
Landowner and Forester in agreement (PHOTO)
Landowner farming (PHOTO)
Landowners and forester working together (PHOTO)
Loblolly pine seedling (Pinus taeda) (PHOTO)
Loblolly pine seedling (Pinus taeda) being planted (PHOTO)
Loblolly pine seedling (Pinus taeda) being planted by Forester (PHOTO)
Loblolly pine seedling (Pinus taeda) dipped in rooting gel (PHOTO)
Marsh rush (Scirpus spp.) (PHOTO)
Meadow up to the forest edge (PHOTO)
Mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum) in maple (PHOTO)
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) (PHOTO)
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) (PHOTO)
Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) seedling (PHOTO)
Sweet-gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) among planted loblolly pines (PHOTO)
Sweet-gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) among planted loblolly pines (PHOTO)
Unhealthy tree (PHOTO)
Unhealthy tree (PHOTO)
Unhealthy tree due to deer damage (PHOTO)
Wood chip mulch (PHOTO)
Eichhornia crassipes (Water Hyacinth) (SYMBOL)
Elevated utility (PHOTO)
Rain barrel (PHOTO)
Raising a house for flooding (PHOTO)
Amphitheater (SYMBOL)
Music: eighth notes 2 (SYMBOL)
Penaeus monodon (Tiger Prawn) : adult (SYMBOL)
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver Carp) (SYMBOL)
Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mediterranean Mussel) (SYMBOL)
Northern cardinal nest (PHOTO)
Salmo salar (Atlantic Salmon) (SYMBOL)
infiltration trench (PHOTO)
parking for hybrid vehicles (PHOTO)
permeable pavers (PHOTO)
Regenerative stormwater conveyance systems (RSC) (GRAPHIC)
Clipboard (SYMBOL)
Beach at Los Ayala, Mexico (PHOTO)
Fish net (PHOTO)
Fishermen ready their nets (PHOTO)
Fishing boats and nets share the beach with tourism activities (PHOTO)
Fishing net (PHOTO)
Fishing net layed out on beach to dry (PHOTO)
Fresh shellfish for sale (PHOTO)
Grilled fish and shrimp for sale (PHOTO)
Large commercial boat used for tourism (PHOTO)
Mexican fishermen ready their nets (PHOTO)
Shellfish for sale (PHOTO)
Tourism boat (PHOTO)
Vendor sells fresh fruit (PHOTO)
Groundhog (Marmota monax) (PHOTO)
Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) (PHOTO)
Lead Mule (SYMBOL)
Florida forest (PHOTO)
Seed parachute (SYMBOL)
Adaptation to Climate Change (GRAPHIC)
Biodiversity for Climate Change (GRAPHIC)
Eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) (PHOTO)
Fiber logs (PHOTO)
Life Cycle of a Marine Protected Area (PHOTO)
Light bulb (SYMBOL)
Local Sea Level Trends (GRAPHIC)
Prepare for climate change (GRAPHIC)
Puzzle (SYMBOL)
Recommendations for becoming a functioning Marine Protected Area (GRAPHIC)
Shoreline erosion control (GRAPHIC)
Vaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry) (SYMBOL)
Blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium) (PHOTO)
The popular sport of surf fishing on Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Satellite-tracked drifter (SYMBOL)
Skull and crossbones (SYMBOL)
Flooding, Eastern Shore, MD (PHOTO)
Flooding, Eastern Shore, MD (PHOTO)
Flooding, Eastern Shore, MD (PHOTO)
Flooding, Eastern Shore, MD (PHOTO)
Distichlis spicata (Coastal Salt Grass) (SYMBOL)
Dock (PHOTO)
Fawn Along the Shoreline (PHOTO)
Shoreline (PHOTO)
Surfer returns to the beach (PHOTO)
Arctic Drilling (SYMBOL)
Blowout Preventer (SYMBOL)
Government 2 (SYMBOL)
Oil Spill Containment (SYMBOL)
Sweet prickly pear (Opuntia dillenii) (PHOTO)
Collecting oceanographic data (GRAPHIC)
Deepwater research station (SYMBOL)
Epinephelus itajara (Atlantic Goliath Grouper) 1 (SYMBOL)
Goliath grouper life cycle (GRAPHIC)
Human energy pyramid (GRAPHIC)
Magnifying glass (SYMBOL)
Mangroves provide critical habitat (GRAPHIC)
Microbial food web of the mangrove forest (GRAPHIC)
Microscope (SYMBOL)
Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle) (SYMBOL)
Overfishing (SYMBOL)
Padlock (SYMBOL)
Retail: gasoline pump (SYMBOL)
Urban: apartment building 4 (SYMBOL)
Morinda Citrifolia (Indian Mulberry) (SYMBOL)
Saltwater Intrusion on Barrier Islands (GRAPHIC)
Homeowner is allowed to fill in wetlands (PHOTO)
Relative Sea-level Rise (GRAPHIC)
Assateague Island and Natural Resources, USA (GRAPHIC)
Experiment for Thermal Expansion (GRAPHIC)
Sea-level Rise and Storm Surges on Barrier Islands (GRAPHIC)
USA: Barrier Islands on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (PHOTO)
Elevation and Living Shoreline (GRAPHIC)
Atmosphere Warming Changes (GRAPHIC)
Typha x glauca (White Cattail) (SYMBOL)
Hawaiin Tree Fern Pulu Fiber (PHOTO)
Acacia Koa Tree (PHOTO)
Kileaua Caldera (PHOTO)
Lava flow at the coast in Hawaii (PHOTO)
Ohelo in Hawaiian (PHOTO)
Monitoring Activities to Track Changing Habitats on Barrier Island (GRAPHIC)
Monitoring: beach topography (SYMBOL)
Monitoring: biologist bird-watcher (SYMBOL)
Monitoring: deer population count (SYMBOL)
Monitoring: salt marsh nekton survey (SYMBOL)
Monitoring: surface elevation table (SYMBOL)
Egret in a Local Runoff Pipe (PHOTO)
Osprey (PHOTO)
Snapping Turtle (PHOTO)
Waterspout (PHOTO)
summer humidity over soybean field (PHOTO)
Cages protect seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) from grazing (PHOTO)
Ocean overwash area (PHOTO)
Sand dunes encroach upon forest and shrub zone (PHOTO)
Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) under protective cage (PHOTO)
Conceptual framework for an environmental report card (GRAPHIC)
Five Steps to Develop an Environmental Report Card (GRAPHIC)
Gulf of Mexico watershed (GRAPHIC)
Hierarchical Structure of Report Card Framework (GRAPHIC)
Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) (PHOTO)
Flag: USA Hawaii Kanaka Maoli (SYMBOL)
Benefits of a marine protected area (MPA) (GRAPHIC)
Unsustainable fishing practices (GRAPHIC)
Sediment runoff (PHOTO)
Black Witch Moth (PHOTO)
False Staghorn Fern (PHOTO)
Participatory water access planning for seaweed farms (GRAPHIC)
Bowman Lake Campground (PHOTO)
Buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) (PHOTO)
Catch and Release Sign (PHOTO)
Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus) (PHOTO)
Common harbell (Campanula rotundifolia) (PHOTO)
Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) (PHOTO)
Cow parsnip (Heracleum maximum) (PHOTO)
East Glacier National Park (PHOTO)
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) (PHOTO)
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) (PHOTO)
Fish trap for population monitoring (PHOTO)
Fish trap for population monitoring (PHOTO)
Fly fishermen (PHOTO)
Ground squirel burrow (PHOTO)
Ground squirel burrow (PHOTO)
Hawaiian tree fern (Cibotium splendens) fiber close up (PHOTO)
Hikers (PHOTO)
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) (PHOTO)
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) (PHOTO)
Irrigated agricultural fields (PHOTO)
Kahili ginger blossom (Hedychium gardnerianum) (PHOTO)
Kileaua caldera emits sulfur dioxide gas and steam (PHOTO)
Marine and coastal ecosystem features of the VIP (GRAPHIC)
Montana meadow (PHOTO)
Moose cow (PHOTO)
Moose traffic-jam (PHOTO)
Open range for cattle (PHOTO)
Red Rock Canyon (PHOTO)
Steam vents above Kileaua caldera (PHOTO)
Threats to the marine resources of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (GRAPHIC)
'Ohelo (Vaccinium reticulatum) (PHOTO)
Alces Lake (PHOTO)
Alpine fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) (PHOTO)
Bear Resistant Trash Bin (PHOTO)
Bear scat (PHOTO)
Bighorn sheep herd waiting to cross road (PHOTO)
Bighorn sheep traffic jam (PHOTO)
Bighorn sheep, ewe and kid (PHOTO)
Bighorn sheep, ram and ewe (PHOTO)
Black bear and cub (PHOTO)
Black witch moth (Ascalapha odorata) (PHOTO)
Blanketflower(Gaillardia aristata) (PHOTO)
Bowman Lake bottom (PHOTO)
Chipmunk (PHOTO)
False staghorn fern (Dicranopteris linearis), Uluhe in Hawaiian (PHOTO)
Fire lookout (PHOTO)
Flathead River kayakers (PHOTO)
Hawaiian tree fern (Cibotium splendens) (PHOTO)
Invasive sign at trailhead (PHOTO)
Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) (PHOTO)
Kahili ginger blossom (Hedychium gardnerianum) (PHOTO)
Koa tree (Acacia koa) (PHOTO)
Larkspur (Delphinium sp) (PHOTO)
Lava flow at coast with spectator boat (PHOTO)
Lodgepole pine loss by pinebark beetle (PHOTO)
Lodgepole pine loss by pinebark beetle (PHOTO)
Moose traffic-jam (PHOTO)
Motorcyclist on fire road (PHOTO)
Mountain wildflower meadow (PHOTO)
Mountain wildflower meadow (PHOTO)
Mule deer doe campsite visitor (PHOTO)
Park area closure due to wildlife activity (PHOTO)
Pine loss by pinebark beetle (PHOTO)
Private mines still worked (PHOTO)
Railways often follow rivers (PHOTO)
Residential and agricultural development by irrigation (PHOTO)
Rock fall blocked roadway (PHOTO)
Saint Mary Lake- East side (PHOTO)
Salmon River paddlers (PHOTO)
Oyster racks (PHOTO)
Oyster shells awaiting spat and oyster mesh bags (PHOTO)
Canyon lands (PHOTO)
Crop circles (PHOTO)
Crop circles (PHOTO)
Crops and irrigation circles (PHOTO)
Crops and irrigation circles (PHOTO)
Dust storm (PHOTO)
Eastern Sierras (PHOTO)
Erosion (PHOTO)
Erosion from 30000 feet (PHOTO)
Flooded river (PHOTO)
Flooded river with dam (PHOTO)
River cuts through (PHOTO)
River 3D: braided with incoming streams (SYMBOL)
River 3D: foothills and sandy riverbed (SYMBOL)
River 3D: mountain and lake (SYMBOL)
River 3D: mountains and plain (SYMBOL)
Watershed 3D: perched lake, water table, rocky headlands (SYMBOL)
Cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) (PHOTO)
Mountain range 3D: river canyon, mesas, craters, and sand plain (SYMBOL)
Plains 3D: mountains, aquifer, and braided river system (SYMBOL)
Plains 3D: mountains, caves, sandstone outcrop, aquifer (SYMBOL)
Stream 3D: braided (SYMBOL)
Acacia koa (Koa tree) (SYMBOL)
Aprion virescens (Green Jobfish) : adult (SYMBOL)
Cephalopholis argus (Blue-spotted Grouper) (SYMBOL)
Chenopodium oahuense (Aweoweo) (SYMBOL)
Erythrina sandwicensis (Wiliwili) (SYMBOL)
Heteromeles arbutifolia (Christmas Berry) (SYMBOL)
Lantana camara (West Indian Lantana) (SYMBOL)
Lasirus cinereus semotus (Hawaiian Hoary Bat) (SYMBOL)
Leucaena leucocephala (White Leadtree) (SYMBOL)
Light interactions in the remote sensing process (GRAPHIC)
Lighthouse 2 (SYMBOL)
Methods of water quality monitoring (GRAPHIC)
Santalum freycinetianum (Freycinet Sandalwood) (SYMBOL)
Scaevola coriacea (Dwarf Naupaka) (SYMBOL)
The development of a conceptual diagram (GRAPHIC)
Pet waste station (SYMBOL)
USA HI: Kalaupapa National Historical Park (SYMBOL)
Ipomoea pes-caprae (Beach Morning Glory) (SYMBOL)
Cemetery (SYMBOL)
Coccyzus americanus (Yellow-billed Cuckoo) (SYMBOL)
Heteropogon contortus (Pili Grass) (SYMBOL)
Peperomia spp. ('ala 'ala Wai Nui) (SYMBOL)
Petroglyph: (Hawaiian Honu) (SYMBOL)
Sida fallax (Ilima) (SYMBOL)
Taro plot (SYMBOL)
Brigantine (SYMBOL)
Capparis sandwichiana (Pua Pilo) (SYMBOL)
Capra aegagrus hircus (Goat) (SYMBOL)
Freight: semi-trailer truck (SYMBOL)
Halau (Hawaiian long house) (SYMBOL)
Heiau (Hawaiian temple) (SYMBOL)
Ki'i (Hawaiian war god) (SYMBOL)
Religion: Christian cross (SYMBOL)
Sweet potato plot (SYMBOL)
Kahili Ginger Blossom (PHOTO)
Steam Vents above Kileaua Caldera (PHOTO)
Honu - Hawaiian green sea turtle (PHOTO)
Pua kala - Hawaiian poppy (PHOTO)
Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) adult (SYMBOL)
Sunflower and bees (PHOTO)
Sunflowers (PHOTO)
'Ohelo in Hawaiian (Vaccinium reticulatum) (PHOTO)
Forest bog (PHOTO)
Hawaiian tree fern fiddlehead closeup (Cibotium splendens) (PHOTO)
Vog blankets landscape on Ka'u Desert Trail (PHOTO)
bamboo orchid (Arundina graminifolia) (PHOTO)
bamboo orchid among common swordfern (PHOTO)
hiker on Ka'u Desert Trail (PHOTO)
ohia buds (Metrosideros polymorpha) (PHOTO)
pahoehoe lava (PHOTO)
puki'awe (Leptecophylla tameiameiae) (PHOTO)
unidentified mushroom (PHOTO)
unidentified mushroom (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms and lair (PHOTO)
Mallard on salt marsh (PHOTO)
brown thrasher chick (PHOTO)
2008 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
Aid to navigation on upper Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Baby rabbits (PHOTO)
Barge crane unloads rock for shoreline protection effort on the (PHOTO)
Bartlett Pear blossoms (PHOTO)
Bulldozer with bucket unloads dredge spoils into barge (PHOTO)
Bunchberry (PHOTO)
Coral fungus (PHOTO)
Fading light of winter illuminates residential area with docks (PHOTO)
First blush of fall (PHOTO)
Fuel barge on Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Immature pine cones (PHOTO)
Indian pipe (PHOTO)
Lake Chateaugay view (PHOTO)
Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Prunus speciosa (Cherry Blossom) (PHOTO)
Prunus speciosa (Cherry Blossom) (PHOTO)
Prunus speciosa (Cherry Blossom) (PHOTO)
Puffball (PHOTO)
Red tug plys the gray background of the lower Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Riverside gravel plant, Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Scrap metal loading (PHOTO)
Smooth green snake (PHOTO)
Storm clouds threaten (PHOTO)
Sunset on the Delaware Bay (PHOTO)
Testing Water quality (PHOTO)
Testing Water quality (PHOTO)
Testing Water quality (PHOTO)
Various shelf fungi (PHOTO)
Waterfront facility on Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Waterfront fuel depot near Kingston on the Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Waterfront sand loading facility on Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Waterfront shipping and storing facility on Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Waterfront village on Hudson River, NY (PHOTO)
Wild blueberries (PHOTO)
Winter flyover of Annapolis and Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
mushroom (PHOTO)
unidentified mushroom (PHOTO)
unidentified mushroom (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms (PHOTO)
unidentified mushrooms (PHOTO)
unknown mushroom (PHOTO)
winter flyover (PHOTO)
Canada geese (PHOTO)
Fall colors (PHOTO)
Fall colors (PHOTO)
Footprints (SYMBOL)
Salvelinus fontinalis (Brook Trout) (SYMBOL)
Baby common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) (PHOTO)
Baby common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) (PHOTO)
white-lined sphinx moth caterpillar (Hyles lineata) (PHOTO)
white-lined sphinx moth caterpillar (Hyles lineata) (PHOTO)
Great egret (PHOTO)
Great egret takes flight (PHOTO)
Logging (PHOTO)
Logging pine trees (PHOTO)
Tropical Storm Hanna (PHOTO)
Tropical Storm Hanna (PHOTO)
Tropical Storm Hanna (PHOTO)
Tropical Storm Hanna (PHOTO)
Tropical Storm Hanna (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
American Pokeweed and Cardinal Flower (PHOTO)
Cardinal Flower (PHOTO)
Cardinal Flower (PHOTO)
Cardinal Flower (PHOTO)
Tickseed flower (PHOTO)
Tickseed meadow (PHOTO)
Tickseed meadow (PHOTO)
White-tailed deer (PHOTO)
Large doe crossing road (PHOTO)
White-tailed deer family (PHOTO)
White-tailed deer family on road (PHOTO)
Young red fox (PHOTO)
Young red fox on grass (PHOTO)
Amtrak and MARC trains (PHOTO)
Amtrak train (PHOTO)
Hard clam aquaculture pen (SYMBOL)
Retail: Strip mall (SYMBOL)
Bagworms (PHOTO)
Bee hive (PHOTO)
Storm damage (PHOTO)
Storm damage (PHOTO)
Black Rat Snake (PHOTO)
kids fishing (PHOTO)
Eastern Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) (PHOTO)
national park buys hybrid car (PHOTO)
Eastern Redbud (PHOTO)
Eastern Redbud (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain stream (PHOTO)
National Park visitor recreation (PHOTO)
Rhododendrums next to mountain stream (PHOTO)
Yellow Trillium (Trillium luteum) (PHOTO)
Yellow Trillium (Trillium luteum) (PHOTO)
bear relocation cage (PHOTO)
road corridor through national park (PHOTO)
road runoff in national park (PHOTO)
stone wall (PHOTO)
flooded roads (PHOTO)
flooded roads (PHOTO)
Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (PHOTO)
Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (PHOTO)
Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) (PHOTO)
Magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) (PHOTO)
conch fisherman (PHOTO)
conch fisherman (PHOTO)
conch fisherman (PHOTO)
fishing boats (PHOTO)
residential development on beachfront (PHOTO)
sunset view anchored off Barbuda (PHOTO)
sunset view of Barbuda (PHOTO)
Barbuda fishermen boats (PHOTO)
Barbuda fishermen boats (PHOTO)
Feral goats of St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Fisherman cutting off the fins of the shark (PHOTO)
Fisherman shows small shark catch (PHOTO)
Fishing behind the reef (PHOTO)
Fishing boats at anchor (PHOTO)
Grazer exclusion sign at study site on St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Green monkey of St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Green monkey of St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Revegetation site (PHOTO)
Sugar cane fields of St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Sugar cane mill ruin of St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Free range cow drinks from sugar cane boiling pot (PHOTO)
Rainbow over St. Kitts (PHOTO)
View of Frigate Bay St. Kitts and the island of Nevis (PHOTO)
View of Nevis from Turtle Beach, St. Kitts (PHOTO)
Beach litter sign at Shell Beach (PHOTO)
Inner harbor of St Barths (PHOTO)
Megayachts of St Barths (PHOTO)
View of St. Barths taken from ÃŽle Fourche (PHOTO)
View of anchorage taken on ÃŽle Fourche (PHOTO)
Bos taurus (Bull) (SYMBOL)
Bos taurus (Longhorn Steer) (SYMBOL)
Echinothrix diadema (Long Spined Urchin) (SYMBOL)
Sediment (SYMBOL)
Wild tom turkey up close (PHOTO)
Wild turkey struts his stuff (PHOTO)
Wild turkeys in farm field (PHOTO)
Fish trap 2 (SYMBOL)
Mooring (SYMBOL)
Oyster farming (SYMBOL)
Oyster farming 2 (SYMBOL)
Prison (SYMBOL)
Prison Tower (SYMBOL)
USA CA: Morro Bay 3D estuary and harbor (SYMBOL)
Bos taurus (Hereford Steer) (SYMBOL)
Diagram showing features of and threats to Estero Bay, California (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing features of and threats to Morro Bay, California (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing features of and threats to the Morro Bay watershed, California (GRAPHIC)
Common Mullein closeup (Verbascum thapsus) (PHOTO)
Waterton Pk signage (PHOTO)
aster (Asteraceae) (PHOTO)
silvery lupine (Lupinus argenteus) (PHOTO)
spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) (PHOTO)
spotted knapweed flower (Centaurea stoebe) with honey bee (PHOTO)
sticky geranium (Geranium viscosissimum) (PHOTO)
stonefly shell case (Plecoptera) on river rock (PHOTO)
stonefly shell case close-up (Plecoptera) on river rock (PHOTO)
twinflower (Linnaea borealis) on moss bed (PHOTO)
unknown grass (PHOTO)
unknown grass seed head Waterton Alberta 1 (PHOTO)
unknown grass seed head Waterton Alberta 2 (PHOTO)
unknown lichen and forest floor plants (PHOTO)
western serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) (PHOTO)
white-tailed buck on park trail (PHOTO)
wood chips loaded onto trains (PHOTO)
young grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) (PHOTO)
Aerial of Ria Formosa wetlands-1 (PHOTO)
Algae blooms? (PHOTO)
Kite surfers (PHOTO)
Lagos coast (PHOTO)
Lagos waterfront (PHOTO)
Low tide on the Ria Formosa (PHOTO)
Marina (PHOTO)
Ria Formosa (PHOTO)
Seafood window (PHOTO)
Spoonbill (PHOTO)
The city of Faro (PHOTO)
Tourism on Atlantic beach (PHOTO)
White stork (PHOTO)
Yellow-legged Gull (PHOTO)
beach (PHOTO)
clamming at low tide (PHOTO)
cliffs (PHOTO)
cliffs and ocean (PHOTO)
cliffside fishermen (PHOTO)
cork oak tree (PHOTO)
cork stacks (PHOTO)
cork stacks (PHOTO)
fishing boats and the city of Faro (PHOTO)
fishing boats at low tide (PHOTO)
groundcover (PHOTO)
hillside (PHOTO)
local cheese (PHOTO)
produce and meat (PHOTO)
traditional fishing boat (PHOTO)
traditional fishing boat (PHOTO)
traditional fishing boat (PHOTO)
white poppy (PHOTO)
wildflowers (PHOTO)
Great Blue Heron fishes alongside road runoff culverts (PHOTO)
Late spring morning brings oyster dredgers out en masse (PHOTO)
Late spring morning brings oyster dredgers out en masse (PHOTO)
Late spring morning brings oyster dredgers out en masse (PHOTO)
Late spring morning brings oyster dredgers out en masse (PHOTO)
Dead bird (SYMBOL)
Oyster racks (SYMBOL)
The application of an herbicide on a farm field (PHOTO)
Monument 1 (SYMBOL)
Asphalt production plant's waterfront depot, empty gravel barge and crane (PHOTO)
Crab boats at watermen's coop (PHOTO)
Female mallard with ducklings (PHOTO)
Floating mat of green algae (PHOTO)
Floating mats of green algae and horned pondweed (PHOTO)
Floating mats of green algae and pondweed (PHOTO)
Muskrat (PHOTO)
Muskrat swimming (PHOTO)
Mute swan (PHOTO)
Mute swans (PHOTO)
New home construction and rip-rap shoreline replaces natural wetlands and forest buffer (PHOTO)
Northern Water Snake (PHOTO)
Northern Water Snake (PHOTO)
Northern Water Snake (PHOTO)
Osprey nest atop channel marker (PHOTO)
Osprey nest atop channel marker (PHOTO)
Phragmite marsh and bank erosion of streamside trees (PHOTO)
Phragmite marsh in front of forest buffer (PHOTO)
Phragmites marsh bordering small creek (PHOTO)
Public boat launch and adjacent parking lot (PHOTO)
Public boat launch and fuel dock (PHOTO)
Riverbank erosion, causing soil and vegetation to collapse into river (PHOTO)
Sheepshead minnows (PHOTO)
Sheepshead minnows (PHOTO)
Stormwater culverts delivering runoff from roadways (PHOTO)
Stormwater culverts delivering runoff from roadways (PHOTO)
Unofficial boat ramp and degraded shoreline (PHOTO)
Upland trees, phragmites marsh and concrete shoreline protection (PHOTO)
Upland trees, phragmites marsh and shoreline protection (PHOTO)
Waterfront fuel depot storage tanks and crab boat (PHOTO)
Waterfront fuel depot storage tanks, heavy equipment storage and concrete debris on shoreline (PHOTO)
Waterfront gas pump and public parking lot (PHOTO)
Waterfront gas pump, fuel depot storage tanks and public parking lot (PHOTO)
Waterfront home construction (PHOTO)
Waterfront home construction (PHOTO)
White-tailed doe and newborn fawn (PHOTO)
White-tailed doe and newborn fawn (PHOTO)
DC Capitol building (SYMBOL)
Oyster rack (SYMBOL)
Monument 2 (SYMBOL)
Bowman Lake (PHOTO)
Post-fire regeneration (PHOTO)
Evaluation of Multi-Year Data Sets to Establish Status and Trends of Environmental Restoration Success in the Everglades (EVERGLADES - SOUTH ATLANTIC)
State of Yucatan Report Card (YUCATAN - GULF OF MEXICO)
Indian River Lagoon Report Card (INDIAN RIVER - SOUTH ATLANTIC)
From Science to Solutions (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Synthesis of South Atlantic Ecosystem Health Indicators (SOUTH ATLANTIC)
Chesapeake Bay Health Stories (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Development of Dam and River Conceptual Diagrams (SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND - AUSTRALIA)
Linking Habitat Restoration and Fish Productivity (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Report Card for Chilika Lake (CHILIKA LAKE - SOUTH ASIA)
Vision for Marismas Nacionales (MEXICO - NORTH AMERICA)
Development of an adaptive survey tool to measure behavior change within watersheds (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
MedPAN Science Communication Products (MEDITERRANEAN)
Oil Spill Commission Action (GULF OF MEXICO)
Bay of Bengal booklet and policy advisories (BAY OF BENGAL - SOUTH ASIA)
Gulf of Mexico Report Card (GULF OF MEXICO)
Adapting to climate change in the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (VERDE ISLAND PASSAGE - PHILIPPINES)
Conservation International: Science communication products
Trust Fund Evaluation (MARYLAND - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Training Federal Agencies in Ecosystem-Based Management (AIRAI BAY, PALAU - NORTH PACIFIC, MORRO BAY - PACIFIC COAST)
Northern Great Plains Network: using conceptual diagrams to aid communication (NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS - MID WEST)
Assateague Island National Seashore Climate Change (ASSATEAGUE ISLAND - MARYLAND COASTAL BAYS)
Rock Creek National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (ROCK CREEK PARK - MID ATLANTIC)
COSEE Coastal Trends online teaching modules (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
National Capital Region science communication products (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION PARKS - MID ATLANTIC)
Production of an Ecosystem Based Management Game (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Guía práctica para la elaboración de reportes de salud de cuencas (BOOK)
Building Coral Reefs - A Decadal Grand Challenge (REPORT)
2020 Mississippi River Watershed Report Card Methods Document (REPORT)
Nutrient trends and drivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (REPORT)
2020 Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Understanding Responses to Global Change (NEWSLETTER)
Sea Level Rise: Projections for Maryland 2018 (REPORT)
Yucatán State Report Card 2017 (REPORT CARD)
Practitioner's Guide to Developing River Basin Report Cards (BOOK)
IAN Report Card 2015 (REPORT CARD)
Assessing the health of the Indian River Lagoon (NEWSLETTER)
Costa del Estado de Yucatán (NEWSLETTER)
Yucatan State Coast (BROCHURE)
Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Conceptual Diagrams (NEWSLETTER)
Massive Algal Bloom Leads to Record Fish Kill (BROCHURE)
Laguna De Bay: 2013 Ecosystem Health Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Upper Potomac Headwaters Report Card 2015 (REPORT CARD)
Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
State of the South Atlantic 2015 (REPORT CARD)
Gulf of Kachchh: A Framework for the Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment (REPORT)
From Science to Solutions (BROCHURE)
Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate (NEWSLETTER)
Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate (REPORT)
2012 Chilika Lake ecosystem health report card (REPORT CARD)
Stormwater Management (NEWSLETTER)
Updating Maryland's Sea-level Rise Projections (REPORT)
Assessing Progress (REPORT)
Stakeholder Engagement (REPORT)
Assateague Island is Changing (BROCHURE)
Making Marine Protected Areas Work (REPORT)
Making Marine Protected Areas Work (Arabic) (REPORT)
Making Marine Protected Areas Work (French) (REPORT)
Rising to the Challenge (NEWSLETTER)
Marine Protected Areas (NEWSLETTER)
Marine Protected Areas (Arabic) (NEWSLETTER)
Marine Protected Areas (French) (NEWSLETTER)
Assessing Progress (REPORT)
A Habitat-Based Framework for Communicating Natural Resource Condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Gulf of Mexico Report Card Initiative (REPORT)
Science-to-Action Guidebook (REPORT)
War in the Pacific National Historical Park (BROCHURE)
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (REPORT)
2010 Trust Fund Water Quality Monitoring Strategy (REPORT)
Economic incentives for marine conservation (REPORT)
Groundwater resources at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (BROCHURE)
USS Arizona: once a site of human devastation, now a haven for marine life (POSTER)
Bridging the gap between human culture and conservation (NEWSLETTER)
Economic incentives motivate human behavior change (NEWSLETTER)
Adapting to climate change (REPORT)
Adapting to climate change (NEWSLETTER)
National Park of American Samoa (BROCHURE)
Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay: A Retrospective (NEWSLETTER)
Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK)
Chapter 11: Program design: developing a comprehensive data strategy (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 3: Communication products: creating a process for generating science communication products (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 6: Ecological report cards: integrating indicators into report cards (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 7: Ecological forecasts: building a predictive capacity to guide management (BOOK CHAPTER)
Integrating and Applying Science: A practical handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK WHOLE)
The legacy of Kalaupapa National Historical Park (POSTER)
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (BROCHURE)
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (BROCHURE)
Research findings for key bay fisheries species (NEWSLETTER)
Rock Creek Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Northern Great Plains Network: Using conceptual diagrams to aid communication (NEWSLETTER)
Global Warming Is Here (POSTER)
Global Warming and the Free State: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Maryland (REPORT)
Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail (POSTER)
Inventory and Monitoring Program, Pacific Island Network, National Park Service (NEWSLETTER)
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (POSTER)
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park (POSTER)
Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site (POSTER)
Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (NEWSLETTER)
Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (POSTER)
An eye-opening approach to developing and communicating integrated environmental assessments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
National Capital Region Network Regional Overview (POSTER)
Antietam National Battlefield (POSTER)
Catoctin Mountain Park (POSTER)
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (POSTER)
George Washington Memorial Parkway (POSTER)
Harmful algal blooms: Maryland status and trends newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (POSTER)
Manassas National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
Monocacy National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
National Capital Parks-East (POSTER)
Prince William Forest Park (POSTER)
Rock Creek Park (POSTER)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (POSTER)
A Conceptual Basis for Natural Resource Monitoring (REPORT)
An Eye Opening Approach to Integrated Environmental Assessments (POSTER)